Question on 中文反義詞

2009-01-03 5:20 am
Can someone tell me if these are antonyms to caeh other?


Also, in terms of Chinese context, what do these terms mean? Are they related to financial/monetary gains and losses??
Please answer in your own terms please. Do NOT make reference to any other languages!! No plagiarism allowed!!
Violators will be reported to Yahoo.

回答 (2)

2009-01-15 10:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"得"與"獲"是同義詞,可以互換使用; 利"=利益/利潤之意; "佳"= 好"的意思;"寡"=缺少,根據字面意思及用於金融上,"佳"與"寡" 難配為反義詞, 因此建議改為:
得利佳 = 得利好
獲利劣 = 獲利差
得利豐 (厚) =得利多=得豐利
獲利微 (少) =獲利少=獲微利

得利厚 =得利多=得厚利
獲利薄 =獲利少=獲薄利

2009-01-06 4:52 am
Let me give a direct translation:
得: get
利: profit/ benefit
佳: well/ excellent

獲: get/ reward
利: "see above"
寡: single(odd number), numbered

So they mean : "good(much) profit can be obtained"
& "reward is numbered"

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