英文功課..急..the way up to heaven

2009-01-03 2:59 am
我想要呢本書taste and other tales 入面ge呢一節the way up to heaven既內容精要...姐係要戈一節入面ge大慨內容....急...thx!!!!!
我想要英文版....姐係將佢戈段the way up to heaven既內容減少d...但係要反主要ge野...我睇完但係唔知點縮短...thx

回答 (2)

2009-01-03 3:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
In 'The Way up to Heaven’, Mrs Foster's terrible fear of
being late is cruelly used by her husband to put her into a
state of panic. When Mrs Foster leaves for a flight to Paris,
she recognises a sound in their apartment. Six weeks later
she returns to find the apartment empty and the lift stuck
between floors. Where is Mr Foster?
Giant Peach (1961) and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
(1964) were made into very successful films. In all, Dahl
wrote nineteen children’s books. His dark sense of humour
and the feeling that characters can make anything happen
made the books extremely popular with children, if not with

This is not enough? 111 words.

2009-01-03 10:50:15 補充:
Start from "It was really extraordinary how in certain people a simple... --- when she had caught herself beginning to wonder" in page 1

*Note: make the words bigger :)

download "They Way up to Heaven"


2009-01-03 10:54:17 補充:
Start from "Mr Eugene Foster, who was nearly seventy years old...they had four servants" in page one and connect it to 'What time is it, Walker (P . 1) ?...Oh I wish he would come! ( P . 2)"

Same thing make the words bigger

2009-01-03 11:00:44 補充:
Start from Page 2 "It was an important journey for...satisfying blood likeness that meant so much."

all page 2

2009-01-03 11:08:37 補充:
Start on Page 3. 在這sentence前加this sentence:

Mrs Foster began to get extremely worried and very anxious as she seemed that she couldn't wait anymore.

"Oh dear! cried Mrs.Foster. 'I'm sure I'm going to miss it now!...where she could feel the muscle twitching"

2009-01-03 11:08:42 補充:
在twitching後加: About 1 to 2hours of waiting, of course in such story there ought to be a happy ending there. And eventually she had arrived Paris to visit her only daughter.

2009-01-03 11:10:24 補充:
I reckon this should be at least 4 pages. If not it would just be 4 and a half? Hope this would be useful for you! And I apologize for the late-answer 'cause I haven't checked you re-newed questions...Sorry!

*Check for mistakes*
2009-01-03 7:13 pm

Joey Wu – 文員
「以往我曾報讀其他英語課程,但多數課堂均需定時上課,由於我經常要到內地和超時工作,以致學習進度受阻。Englishtown的24小時無限制會話課讓我隨時隨地均可練習英語;加上Life Club英語大本營多姿多采的活動,令我有重返校園的感覺!」

Amy Kwan - 高級客戶經理
「工作上經常需與外國人溝通及開會,令我緊張之餘,更影響我的工作表現。Englishtown的Life Club提供了一個輕鬆學習英語的環境,我最喜歡參加烹飪班及Summer Party,外籍老師與同學一邊玩,一邊上課,讓我放鬆心情勇於以英語對話,在毫無壓力的情況下,學習自然更快、更易﹗現在我已習慣了以英語溝通,在公司開會演說也不怕了!」

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