Ir. 點發音? 中文有冇得譯?

2009-01-02 11:44 pm
有時d工程師會用 Ir. 做 salutation, 即係代左Mr., Dr., Prof., 咁來用, 例如 Ir. Chan Tai Man 咁寫. 在下有以下疑問:
1. Ir. 點發音呢?
2. Ir. 會唔會用來打招呼呢? 即係見面時: Hello, Ir. Chan! 咁樣用得唔得呢? 定係叫番 Hello, Mr. Chan! 咁呢?
3. 將英文文件譯中文, Ir 有冇得譯? 陳工程師? 好似怪怪地咁既...

Ir 真係工程師咁解, 英文維基都有呢句: Ingénieur ("Ir"), Engineer, someone who practices the profession of engineering 就一定唔係Sir度來既, 更唔係Irrational, Irregular 定係 Iridium 囉. 只係在下唔識讀音, 同埋唔知日常用語用法, 同埋中文譯法啫. 詳見題目.

回答 (2)

2009-01-03 3:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
2)Ir 係唔會用黎打招呼.通常都會叫Mr.(?).除左Dr., Prof之類
2009-01-03 10:18 pm
原來這不是個 "英文" 稱呼, 因為英語世界普遍不用 Ir 的, 所以查英語字典也找不到. 必須問行內人士自己回答, 或找一位來自馬拉及印尼的工程師去講更好. 以下是一些意見, 如你認為值得最佳解答我才正式回答.

2009-01-03 14:23:43 補充:
"Ir" is not used in the US:

"... believe that it must be something country-specific ... In the U.S., "P.E." for "Professional Engineer" is the title that....

2009-01-03 14:24:13 補充:
According to Wikipeida, post-nominal letters used vary by location, and "Ir" is used in Hong Kong , Malaysia and Indonesia only (which is used as used as a pre-nominal). In Holland, "Ir." is for engineers holding a Master's degree from a university.

2009-01-03 14:24:32 補充:
So I was wondering (just wondering) if people derive this from the English title "Sir" (pronounce it something like "sir" with "s"?)

But the most reliable answer is from the engineers themselves, or ask one from Malaysia / Indonesia.

2009-01-03 14:24:50 補充:
more info.:

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