AL account Q

2009-01-02 10:27 pm
IRR of a particular investment is the discount rate which, when applied to its future cash, will make them equal to the cash outlays, in essence, it represents the yield from an investment opportunity.


回答 (3)

2009-01-04 12:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
你識唔識咩係present value 先?姐係未來的 10蚊=而家的幾多錢

NPV= net present value
姐係計你 pv of future cash flow- 而家要比既錢

eg: 你決定投資一樣野, 你而家要比 $10..估計3前後會有20蚊, 要求回報率係10%
咁呢個時候, 題目就會問你應唔應該投資, 你就要計npv 比人睇
20除 1.1既3次方=15.02629=pv of future cash flow

姐係話, 你投資呢個野度, 你除左有每年10%回報外(符合你的要求), 仲有5蚊賺

ps: 如果係負數姐係話呢樣野不符合你的投資要求(eg: 回報率<10%)

irr : is the discount rate which make npv=0 用呢個定義好夠..
discount rate 姐係上面既回報率..姐係你想計下呢個project回報率幾多(npv係計呢個project值唔值得投資)...
不過al 應該唔會叫你計...因為冇特定的計數機, irr只有用試的方法計出黎
2009-01-03 2:26 am
2009-01-02 11:03 pm
IRR係個rate of return 當NPV係0。NPV就係你已經有一個discount rate (eg cost of capital),再計個net cash flow discount後係幾多。
參考: 自己

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