
2009-01-02 5:21 pm
我依家係加拿大讀緊high school既,只不過係想為未來prepare定.
因為英國貴,所以我係冇諗過英國既,我想讀part time art 同埋languge,我想讀日文or韓文,不過我本身唔係好識-希望你可以比意見我讀咩啦

回答 (2)

2009-01-02 5:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Actually, you can consider returning to HK for university.

For example, at the University of Hong Kong's Faculty of Art, they offer Fine Arts (I think that is what you mean by art?) and also Language majors (e.g. Japanese). They accept students who have no background in foreign languages.

HKU Faculty of Arts have a double-major prorgramme, so you can take a Language major + Fine Arts major. If you cannot do the double-major programme (because the workload will be very heavy and they require you to have very good grades in Year 1), you can consider taking Language major + Fine Arts minor.

Otherwise, you can even just take the Language major and then take some elective (i.e. extra, not in your main syllabus) courses in Fine arts.

HKU, as well as other universities, also have language schools which should offer extra-curricular language courses, which will have beginner level.

For your information, HKU requires at least 80% in high school grades for Canadian high school graduates. I hope that is a good reference for you when you consider other universities in HK.

Hope this is helpful, and wish you the best in your studies.
參考: personal contacts, University of Hong Kong website, University of Hong Kong admissions staff
2009-01-02 5:53 pm
Recommendations of Good Design Schools

Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)
Art Center College of Design
California College of the Arts
Pratt Institute
Parsons The New School for Design

Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design
London College of Communication

Hong Kong Polytechnic University

National Cheng Kung University
Shih Chien University

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