
2009-01-02 7:44 am



回答 (2)

2009-01-05 9:32 pm
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餺飥: 麵條的古稱甚夥,經文獻考出的有:湯餅、索餅、煮餅、水引餅、不托、餺飥、水引餺等不同名稱,其中可能因用料和形態的不同而名稱各異。到了後來,才以麵條名之。另一種說法,餺飥是用麵粉揉製成繩狀或是團狀切割的糕點。演變為今日的餺飥用麵粉揉製成繩狀或是團狀切割的糕點。其諧音“福托”,意謂子孫多福全托祖宗保佑。有的蒸白面大饃,稱“子推饃”,饃中間夾有紅棗,核桃,花生等物,饃上插有面制蟲鳥,又稱“子福”,與“水飥”寓意相似,而大寧稱其為“志忠”,還要親戚相送。
蜣蜋: 全身黑色,吃糞,尿或動物的屍體。滾糞成球而在其中產卵,幼蟲在其上取食的一種金龜科甲蟲(如糞金龜),俗稱“屎殼郎”。又因能夠團糞成丸而推,亦稱“推丸”。


戴瓦壟冠: 瓦壟是指屋頂上用瓦鋪成的凸凹相間的行列,也叫瓦楞。給孩子戴瓦蓋頭帽子,有頭頂青瓦房子。長大家境富裕的寓意。
圭竇: 鑿壁而成的圭形小門,指窮苦人家的門戶。


參考: 網上+自己
2009-01-02 9:20 pm
Wu is negThe Du small thunder, benefit all of west mountain person.The female double is blind.The filial piety of Du matter, house although poverty, the sweet aim didn't lack.On the first, is proper he, the city meat pays wife and makes to make Bo Tuo.Wife most the ative and the miscellaneous Qiang Lang is among them while slicing meat.The mother feels smelly and bad and can't eat and hides in order to wait for son.The Du returns and asks:The "the Bo Tuo is beautiful?" mother shakes a head and produces son.The Du crack sees and sees Qiang Lang and the Nu is very.Become real expert, want Ta wife, again perhaps female smell.Last the Ta raise to think, the wife asks it, not language.The wife resembles Huang Ta from the Nei bottom.Long of, the breather contains voice.Du Chi Yue:"Don't sleep, treat to knock Pu!" also unexpectedly Ji however.Rise and candle it, but see one Shi, thin see, then two foots still person, start to know for the wife turn.Yi good reputation, the Zhi goes and make to visit 4 to quit public.Tan2 Wei2 Chen2 once saw it in person.
Weng of the Du

2009-01-02 13:23:08 補充:
Weng of the Du, Yi water person.Accidentally from pay in the city, sit a wall bottom to take together trip to by waiting.Feeling few is tired, suddenly if dream, see one person holding Die to shoot.

2009-01-02 13:23:18 補充:
Go to one mansion office, always haven't yet.One person wears tileHat, from inside pay, then green state Zhang Mou3, its the late lament is also.See the Du surprised Yue:"

2009-01-02 13:23:35 補充:
Du eldest brother would not this?" Du talks:"Don't know what matter, but have already hanged up Die." Zhang Yi2 its mistake, will for inspect.Is a Zhu Yue

2009-01-02 13:23:46 補充:
:"Sincerely sign this, not he is proper. perhaps on enchanting, will difficult save Wan

2009-01-02 13:24:03 補充:
." hence go, the long ground doesn't pay.However hold Die person, from recognize its mistake, release to return now.Du don't and go.

2009-01-02 13:24:26 補充:
The on the way meets 67 girls and permit color Mei like, Yue and tail.Next, tend footpath, go 10.Smell a piece at after loudly appeal to the public Yue:"Du eldest brother, Ru He2 Wang3

2009-01-02 13:24:36 補充:
?" Du doesn't already be addicted to.Russia sees a various female into one Gui Dou and the heart knows to sell the house of the wine for Wang2 Shi4.Don't feel explore inside the body door,

2009-01-02 13:24:48 補充:
slightly offer a glimpse of to look forward;Namely see the body is in the Li, and various small Jia together Fu.Suddenly have already turned Shi Yi from the Wu.And still smell Zhang Hu in the ear.Greatly fear to, nasty touch wall by head.The celebrity talks Yue:"Small Shi Dian Xian Yi

2009-01-02 13:25:12 補充:
." still attends to and already the Fu behave.Soon go out, the piece then is waited to a way.Responsibility Yue:"Solid Zhu not does he go toward and why not listen to speech?

2009-01-02 13:25:17 補充:
several to the bad matter!" hence the handle knob sends to a city door, is going.The Du suddenly comes to and the body then still leans on a wall.

2009-01-02 13:25:36 補充:
Yi Wang2 Shi4 asks it, the fruit has one Shi from touch dead Yun.

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