Nick vujicic的個人資料

2009-01-02 1:15 am
Nick vujicic的個人資料

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2009-01-02 1:26 am
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力克(Nick Vujicic)生於澳洲,天生無手無腳,只得左下肢有一個「小鼓槌」連兩根腳趾。他曾被拒到正常學校上課、被同學奚落,甚至想自殺。不過,信主後他想通了,認定殘疾是「上天的禮物」,於是他努力不懈地練成穿衣、吃飯、打字、游水……結果今天他活得非常精彩,給萬人帶來希望,成為別人的神蹟。





19歲時,一位講員到他學校演講,給他盼望。因此他也希望能這樣感染別人,便告訴媽媽希望上電視分享。當時他一無所知,但憑著滿腔熱情和明確的目標,不斷練習,終成為激勵別人的講員。他不向神求自已有手有腳,「若神沒有賜你一個你想要的神蹟,其實是想你成為別人的神蹟」。21歲完成會計和理財兩個學位,成立非牟利組織「Life Without Limbs」,周遊列國作激勵分享演講,至今已去過四大洲共24個國家。演講對象包括政府官員、總統、名人等,與超過240萬人交流心得,透過電視、報紙、雜誌等與超過六億人溝通。

力克來香港的原意是有感於本港常有青少年自殺,希望藉自己的奮鬥經歷,鼓勵他們愛惜生命,沒料到遇上金融海嘯,令講座之反應超乎想像的熱烈。他在國際博覽館、監獄、教會和大學會堂等給近五萬人演講,也透過大氣電波向百萬港人「打氣」。他會到四川探望地震孤兒,盡量激勵更多人積極生活。他將於明年完成首部著作《無手,無腳,毋擔憂!(No Arms, No Legs, No Worries!)》,「最惡劣的殘障,不是沒有肢體,而是沒有盼望的人生。」

2009-01-01 17:26:35 補充:
英文資料 English information:
Nick Vujicic (born December 4, 1982) is a preacher, a motivational speaker and the director of Life Without Limbs, an organization for the physically disabled.

2009-01-01 17:27:35 補充:
Early life
The first-born child in his devout Serbian Christian family, Nick Vujicic was born in Melbourne, Australia with the rare Tetra-amelia disorder: limbless, missing both arms at shoulder level, and having one small foot with two toes protruding from his left thigh.

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Initially, his parents were devastated. Vujicic was otherwise healthy.

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Growing up
His life was filled with difficulties and hardships. One was not being able to attend a mainstream school because of his physical disability, as the law of Australia required, even though he was not mentally impaired.

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During his schooling, the laws were changed, and Nick was one of the first disabled students to be migrated to a mainstream school. He learned to write using the two toes on his left "foot," and a special device that slid onto his big toe to grip.

2009-01-01 17:29:29 補充:
He also learned to use a computer and type using the "heel and toe" method (as demonstrated in his speeches). He can also throw tennis balls and answer the phone (also demonstrated in speeches).

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Being bullied at his school, Nick grew extremely depressed, and by the age of eight, started contemplating suicide. After begging God to grow arms and legs, Nick eventually began to realize that his accomplishments were inspirational to many, and began to thank God he was alive.

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When he was seventeen, he started to give talks at his prayer group, and eventually started his non-profit organization, Life Without Limbs.[1]

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Nick graduated from college at the age of 21 with a double major in Accounting and Financial Planning. He began his travels as a motivational speaker, focusing on the topics that today's teenagers face.

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He also speaks in the corporate sector, although his aim is to become an international inspirational speaker, in both Christian and non-Christian venues. He regularly travels internationally to speak to Christian congregations, schools, and corporate meetings.

2009-01-01 17:31:10 補充:
He has spoken to over two million people so far, in twelve countries on four continents (Africa, Asia, Australia, and North America).

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By the age of 25, Nick hopes to become financially independent. He wishes to promote his words through television shows such as the The Oprah Winfrey Show, as well as by writing books. His first book, planned for completion by the end of 2009, is to be called No Arms, No Legs, No Worries!

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His motivational DVD, Life's Greater Purpose, is available on the Life Without Limbs website.[2] Most of the DVD was filmed in 2005, featuring a brief documentary about his home life, and how he does regular things without limbs.

2009-01-01 17:31:59 補充:
The second part of the DVD was filmed at his local church in Brisbane, and was one of his first professional motivational speeches.

His secular DVD "No Arms, No Legs, No Worries" is available online through his corporate motivational speaking company "Attitude Is Altitude."

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Nick's first worldwide television interview, featured on 20/20 (ABC) with Bob Cummings was aired on March 28, 2008.

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Life Without Limbs
The Life Without Limbs organization, which Vujicic founded in 2005, is aimed at giving people living with no limbs motivation and inspiration for their lives.

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This is done by giving speeches worldwide about Christian faith and the impact that faith in God can have to help the world.

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He deals with topics like fear and rejection, depression, suffering, and even unanswered prayers. The speeches take place in both Christian and non-Christian environments including churches, schools, and other venues.

2009-01-01 17:33:03 補充:
He appeared in a BodyShock documentary about his life. The documentary is entitled 'Born without Limbs,' and was broadcast on May 5, 2008.
2009-01-02 1:29 am
尼克·武伊契奇(在香港宣道時稱為「力克」)(英語:Nick Vujicic,1982年12月4日-),塞爾維亞裔澳洲籍基督教佈道家,「沒有四肢的生命」(Life Without Limbs)組織創辦人。他天生沒有四肢,但勇於面對身體殘障,常以此作為佈道題材。

2009-01-01 17:31:27 補充:

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