Please translate this~~

2009-01-02 12:23 am
When it comes to green, people don't want to hear that size matters. We keep building not just bigger entertainment complexes but bigger houses. "Green McMansion" is one of my favorite oxymorons. Currently the average new house is 2,500 square feet, up 1.5 percent in size from last year—though the shock of this winter's fuel bills may finally slow the trend. Building green houses—or at least advertising them as green—is on the rise, though there are no national standards about what constitutes a green home. People are attracted to sustainable houses partly as a cool novelty, when in fact green dwellings have been around for eons. Think of igloos, tepees or yurts—they took advantage of readily available local materials and were designed to suit their specific environments. Shelters around the world tend to be situated to benefit from the sun in the winter or to shield their inhabitants from chilling winds. But we forgot those basic principles when we plunked down every possible style of house into our sprawling American suburbs.

If you want to understand what makes sustainable sense, check out the classic old shotgun houses of New Orleans that best survived Katrina (and just got a pass from Gustav): these modest homes are built high off the ground to resist flood damage; they are made of local wood that dries out; they have high ceilings and cross ventilation to deal with the stifling summer heat. But the houses that were ruined—whether in the Lower Ninth Ward or more-affluent neighborhoods—tended to be low-slung ranch houses, a style originally developed for the climate of California.

回答 (1)

2009-01-06 12:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
說到綠色,人們不希望聽到體積的大小會引起問題。 人們不斷建設的不僅是更大的娛樂大樓,還有更大的房屋。 「綠色豪宅」(Green McMansion)是我最喜歡的矛盾產物之一 。 目前,新房子平均的面積是2500平方英尺,大小比去年增長百分之一點五,儘管今年冬天的燃料法案的衝擊,最終可能減緩這個趨勢。 雖然沒有關於什麼是綠色家園的全國性標準,綠色住宅,或者至少在廣告說是綠色住宅,建造數日正在上升。 人們被吸引到可持續房屋,部分當它們是時尚的新產品,而事實上,綠色住宅在很多年代前已出現了。 想想愛斯基摩人的冰屋、美國印地安人的圓錐形帳篷或蒙古包,它們利用現成的當地材料,為適應其特別的環境設計而成。 世界各地的庇蔭所,往往是位於在冬季受益於太陽或阻擋冷風吹及居民的地區。 但是,以前當我們大量把每一種可能款式的房子放到我們沒有城市規劃的的美國郊區時,我們忘記了這些基本原則。

如果你想了解什麼是合乎「可持續」的意義,可以查看在新奧爾良最倖免於颶風「卡特里娜」(Katrina)破壞的經典舊「獵槍屋」(shotgun houses)(亦剛避過颶風「球古斯塔夫」(Gustav)) :這些卑微的房子離地面很高,抵禦了洪水的破壞;它們用當地乾燥了木材建造,有高的天花板和相交的通風,足以應付令人窒息的酷暑。 但是被破壞了的房屋,無論是在「下九區」(Lower Ninth Ward)或較富裕的地區,往往是低懸式(low-slung)的農場房子,一種原先為加州天氣而設的款式。
參考: Google Language tool

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