
2009-01-01 2:30 pm
我想寫1週年紀念快樂, 加一些有意義的英文句子..

回答 (4)

2009-01-01 8:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
We met each other one year ago.
When I ask you for help, you never say "NO".
When I ask you to stay, you will never go.
Your lovely smiles are gold.
I truly hope that our precious relationship will grow.
Together we will grow old.
I love you forever and ever, XXXXXX.
2009-01-01 11:24 pm
I think writing a love poem will be romantic and touch, I got one from the internet and it looks so so sweet~~ share with u~

My Angel -- by Sarah
For you my sweet angel I would die
I'd pick all the stars from the sky
And give them all just for you
To let you know how much I love you

My angel I'll love you thru all eternity
I would do anything for you sweetie
I wrote this poem from my heart
To let you know your my sweetheart

Please stay with me forever
Take my hand and lets be together
Lets fly up to the heavens above
And show everyone we are in love

It's a bit long, u may cut out some paragragh as u like
2009-01-01 6:07 pm
l love U forever!You is the best forever!!!!!!!!

I hope you will be happy forever!
2009-01-01 5:06 pm
I love U,you are the best!

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