
2009-01-01 11:13 am
首 聯由今宵之景觸發對昨夜席間歡聚時光的美好回憶。在這個星光閃爍、和風習習的春夜裏,空氣中彌漫著令人沉醉的幽香,一切似乎都與昨晚在貴家後堂宴飲時的景 況相同,而席間與意中人相遇的那一幕卻只能成為難以重現的回憶了。詩人並未直接敘寫昨夜的情事,而是借助於星辰好風、畫樓桂堂等外部景物的映襯,烘托出昨 夜柔美旖旎的環境氣氛,語句華美流轉,富於唱歎的情致,將讀者帶入溫馨浪漫的回憶中。頷聯抒寫今夕對意中人的思念。自己此刻雖然沒有彩鳳般的雙翅,得以飛 越重重阻礙與意中人相會,但相信彼此的眷戀之心當如靈異的犀角暗中相通。“身無”、“心有”,一退一進,相互映照,是間隔中的契合與溝通,悵惘中的喜悅與 慰藉,表現了詩人對這段美好情緣的珍視和自信。兩句比喻新奇貼切,剖劃深刻細緻,展示了詩人抒寫微妙矛盾的心理感受的高超才力。

詩的開頭兩句“昨夜星辰昨夜風,畫樓西畔桂堂東”, 作者十分含蓄、簡練地寫出了昨天與今天,現實與回憶兩種不同情景:昨天夜晚詩人和情人相會,滿天星斗,清風拂面,一對情侶,攜手並肩,竊竊私語,互相訴說 著心中的愛情。此情此景使詩人心醉神迷,經久難忘。然而這一切都是昨天的事,都已成了過去。今天,依然是滿天星斗,依然是滿面清風。風光如昨,景物依舊。 然而,昨天的一對情人,今天卻兩廂東與西,一個處在畫樓西畔,一個處在桂堂東畔,天涯咫尺,不能相會。這就是這兩句詩的意蘊,既有回憶的甜蜜,又有獨立悵 望的苦惱。

“身無彩鳳雙飛翼,心有靈犀一點通。”這 兩句是緊承上句而來,就目前處境抒寫自己的矛盾心理。這兩句是用比喻來表達自己與情人分離時的想法與心情。由於兩個情人一個在畫樓西畔,一 個在桂堂東畔,兩相隔離,所以詩人感歎自己沒有鳳凰那樣的翅膀,如果有鳳凰那樣的翅膀,就可以衝破阻攔,飛去與情人相會,重溫舊夢,比翼雙飛,可惜卻沒 有。
詩人認為,雖然與情人分居兩處,不能相聚,但是,他們兩人心心相印,心靈相通,彼此對愛 情都抱有忠誠而又堅定的信念,有了這個精神支柱,即使形體不能相聚,而精神相會,就可以自我慰藉了。




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回答 (3)

2009-01-01 3:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.This is a love poem. The poet recalls feast which of the expensive family back room last night participation, expressed remembering fondly which met at the session with the loved one, turns on lathe is separated with disconsolately.2.An association triggered scenery of by the tonight to the last night at the session the joyful reunion time happy recollection. The spring night which in this stellar scintillation, the gentle breeze blow gently, in the air fills the delicate fragrance which the sending orders person immerses, all as if with last night when the expensive family back room feasts the situation is the same, but meets at the session with the loved one that actually only could become the recollection which reappeared with difficulty. The poet has not narrated directly writes last night's circumstances, but draws support the stars good wind, picture Lou Guitang and so on exterior scenery complementing, contrasted the last night gently beautiful fluttering flags' environment atmosphere, the sentence gorgeous circulation, is rich in interest which sang sighs, led in the warm romantic recollection the reader. The chin association expresses in writing now the evening long for the loved one. Although one at this moment do not have the color phoenix's double wing, can fly over layer on layer hinders met with the loved one, but believes each other's heart of attachment, when like the strange frontal bone is interlinked in secret. “the body does not have''“the heart to have”, as soon as soon as draws back enters, shines upon mutually, is in the gap conjunction with communicates, listless with consoled joyfully, has displayed the poet to this section of happy sentiment reason treasuring with self-confident. Two analogies novel appropriate, splits delimits profoundly careful, had demonstrated the poet expresses in writing the subtle contradictory psychological feeling the excellent ability.

2009-01-01 07:22:45 補充:
There are too many words , may I send e-mail to you!
2009-01-01 9:33 pm
1.This is a love poem. Recalling the feast which the poet expensive to return to the family room last night to participate and express deep feeling recalled a meeting with the beloved, open the lathe is caused by the separation disconsolately.2.An Society of Landscape evening last night in the joy of meeting again Happy memories of the time. In the spring night the stars flashing light breeze blows in the air is full of delicate fragrance of an order issued by the immersion, as if all last night and when expensive family holiday to return to the situation room is the same, but the meeting at the meeting and Beloved, in fact likely to be only one memory difficulties. There is no direct account of the poet wrote last night, but drew the support of the stars of a good wind, the picture Lou boring, and other external regulatory landscape added, compared to last night, lightly fluttering banner of the beautiful atmosphere, the environment, the flow of a beautiful, rich This interest in singing sighed, led by the passion and romantic memories of readers. Chin Association in writing that night, now beloved for so long. Although at this time do not have the color of the Phoenix double wing, you can layer over the layer of obstruction met with the beloved people, it is believed that the heart of attachment to each other, when the frontal bone is like a strange secret contacts with each other. "Body''did not" heart "as soon as possible as quickly as possible to draw into the return to each other shine, with the gap in communication, listlessness pleased with the comfort, but also shows the poet of this section of the treasure emotional reasons for joy and self-confidence. Two A new kind of appropriate analogy, delimits a deep split seriously, showing the poet in writing that the delicate contradictions of his excellent sense of mental ability.
2009-01-01 5:13 pm
This is a love love poem. The poet recalls feast which of the expensive family back room last night participation, expressed remembering fondly which met at the session with the loved one, turns on lathe is separated with disconsolately.
參考: yahoo!聰明筆

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