I need help with my dog?

2009-01-01 4:54 am
He has had obvious stomache problems..throwing up alot with alot of heaving...hes on medicine and hasnt thrown up in a couple days/ about a week or 2 and now he has started to poop out what looks like just liquid its dark like stool should be but its just liquid..its been about a day and a half now that hes been doing it. he acts fine and looks fine im just a little worried about his stool.

the throwing has been going on for about a half a year..hes been on this medicine before and he never had extremly runny stools..he is on dry food and im working on getting him some sweet potatoe and fish food because that seems to help his throwing up a little.

回答 (5)

2009-01-01 5:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
EDIT _ it sounds like you need to change his food totally, blander food, which may help him in the long run, if need be put him back on puppy food for a while that should help, he doesn't seem in too much stress, dogs go through stages of the runs like we do, if he hasn't been on the meds for a while and you have had to restart them it will have an affect on his system, don't panic too much.


the poo is just diarahra, but normal, you need to keep his food simple I was told by a vet to give mine chicken its a bland meat and did that for a week and was back to normal, are you feeding him tinned or dry food as tinned can be a little rich for there stomachs sometimes.

He seems fine if not being sick - good sign
poing but runny - ok sign
peeing normally - good
acts fine - starting to be on the mend

參考: owner of a Border Collie
2009-01-01 4:58 am
How long has this been going on? Do you know the cause? What medication is he taking?

Need some more info....
2009-01-01 3:06 pm
may be he is so old to live now
2009-01-01 5:07 am
Ask your vet about parasites.It might be the cause.
參考: My mom´s a vet :)
2009-01-01 5:05 am
Not sure what started the throwing up but sounds like maybe the runny stools is from the medication. Think about anything you've changed in his routine that might of prompted the throwing up..maybe a change in diet.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 11:45:31
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