What are the steps to turn 15 1/2% into a fraction and then a decimal?

2008-12-31 1:27 pm
I would like to see the steps for doing this correctly? That reads fifteen and one half percent.

回答 (9)

2008-12-31 1:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
15 1/2% = 15.5%
= 15% + 0.5%
= 15/100 + 0.5/100
= 15/100 + 5/1000
= 150/1000 + 5/1000
= 155/1000
= 31/200 = 0.155
2008-12-31 1:59 pm
To fraction:
= (15 1/2%)/100%
= (31/2)/100
= 31/200

To decimal:
= 31/200
= 0.155

Answer: 31/200 & 0.155
2008-12-31 1:32 pm
15 1/2 %= 15.5%
2008-12-31 1:31 pm
15½ / 100 = 31 / 200 = 0.031 / 2 = 0.0155
2008-12-31 2:21 pm
15 1/2% = 155/1000 = 31/200 then 0.62.
2008-12-31 1:54 pm
15 1/2% = 15/100 + 5/1000=155/1000=31/200= =.155
2008-12-31 1:43 pm
15 1/2 %
= (2 x 15 + 1)/2 %
= (30 + 1)/2 %
= 31/2 %
= (31/2)/100
= (31/2)(1/100)
= 31/200

= 31 ÷ 200
= 0.155
2008-12-31 1:34 pm
Percentage to fraction
15 1/2% = 31/2% = 31/2*100 = 31/200

Percentage to decimal
15 1/2% = 31/200 = 0.155
2008-12-31 1:32 pm
Well 15 1/2% is the same as 15.5%. To change a percent to a decimal just move the decimal point to the left two places which gives you 0.155. Now change this decimal to a fraction you get

155/1000 = 31/200 (in lowest terms)

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