玩不到GTA SA (20點)

2009-01-01 7:57 am
我裝左之後 就等它載入遊戲 載入完後 就無 lala 彈番出桌面 點解會咁既? 請電腦高手回答!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!

回lk2003140 : 我是買碟裝 正版 回hokkaido_kevin : 可不可以用中文答 Thanks!!!!! 有什麼解決方法?



回答 (3)

2009-01-01 7:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
你上foxy down?一定唔得foxy果d玩唔到
參考: me
2009-01-01 9:41 pm
It is very easy!

Play GTA is waste of time.We should not play GTA too long.

If not,we will hurt our eyes.Because we are too PS3 on the computer monitor.We should take a rest after we had played thirty minutes .

sometimes playing computer is good for us.We can relax ourself while we are playing online game.We can learn something about the game too.If we play some online game that is good for us.
參考: ME
2009-01-01 9:23 am
what is your display card , is it 256m ram.

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