Econ Opportunity Cost

2009-01-01 1:13 am
First choice: Playing basketball and have to pay a rent of $200
Second choice: Tutoring a classmate and gain $160
Third Choice: Doing housework for sombody and gain $150

1. What is the opportunity of palying basketball? (in monetary terms)
2.What is the opprotunity cost of tutoring a classmate? (in monetary terms)

回答 (4)

2009-01-11 4:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. $360 (Tutoring a classmate and gain + To pay a rent of Playing basketball )

2. $150(Doing housework for sombody and gain)
2009-01-04 12:30 am
1. the opportunity of palying basketball is $160.. 因為他有3個選擇, 他選擇了第一選擇, 而放棄最高的價值是第二選擇的$160(highest-valued option forgone)
2. the opprotunity cost of tutoring a classmate is $200.. 因為他有3個選擇, 他選擇了第二選擇, 而放棄最高的價值是第一選擇的$200(highest-valued option forgone)

2009-01-03 16:31:44 補充:
最好答埋opportunity cost is the highest-valued option forgone, 因為可能會有一分
2009-01-01 4:07 am
Q1) The opportunity cost of playing basketball is the value of tutoring a classmate which is $160

Q2) The opportunity cost of tutoring a classmate is the value of playing basketball which is $200

opportunity cost
=highest-valued option forgone
=the option that has the highest value among all the options that you have to forgo (i.e. the option which costs the most $$ other than your own choice)
參考: my own knowledge
2009-01-01 1:39 am
1. $160
2. $150

Opportunity Cost is the value of the
next best alternative foregone as the
result of making a decision.

2009-01-03 11:38:44 補充:
Please note that he has to PAY the rent of $200 if he selected to play basketball. He is not going to GAIN this $200 ^_^ ...

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