小妹或姑娘 英文點解? Whatiswhat 你知嗎 ?

2008-12-31 11:15 pm
小妹或姑娘 英文點解? Whatiswhat 你知嗎 ?

Dear Whatiswhat, Sorry, I want to ask "小妹" , how to call in English? & how to say in English for "姑娘" (Is that "Lady"?)


Do you know what "plastic girl" means, hahahha, It means girl who always asks a lot to idiotic questions that chinese calls (膠妹) especially in Yahoo anwers, hehehehehe :D


:D :D :D D DD

回答 (2)

2008-12-31 11:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
小妹或姑娘 = As I know, they both mean
(usually) unmarried young girls.= gurl=gal=girl
自稱 ( usually we use 小妹)
姑娘(People call you this)
A: How old are you, PlasticGirl?
B: 小妹今年二十有三。
A: 姑娘, you are quite young. ^_^
姑娘( formal) 女子/女 jai ( informal)
Note: As I know, some Chinese married ladies call themselves too.

2008-12-31 15:58:22 補充:
Note: As I know, some Chinese married ladies call themselves too.

2008-12-31 15:58:57 補充:
Note: As I know, some Chinese married ladies call themselves 小妹 too.

2009-01-01 02:37:18 補充:
I want to ask "小妹" , how to call in English?<-------Your question! ^_^

You may say " girl /gurl/gal".<-----------------------------------------

2009-01-01 02:50:30 補充:
how to say in English for "姑娘" (Is that "Lady"?) <-------Your question!

Call yourself " a girl". I guess it would make you younger.

A lady sounds sorta older than a girl to me.

2009-01-01 02:51:56 補充:
You may even call yourself "膠小妹" too.

This name is really unique! ^____________________________^
2009-01-01 1:51 am
小妹或姑娘 英文= puss
參考: www.yahoo.hk

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