Series inequality

2008-12-31 11:07 pm
It has been known that the series


diverges as n -> ∞
Now, given a positive real value k >= 1, find, if any, a general expression of n in terms of k such that


回答 (4)

2009-01-15 7:47 pm
以 k = 3 為例, 當 n = 11 時已經個 sum > 3
但 e^3 = 20.1, 即 n 要 = 21, 所以 n >= e^k 並不正確.
2008-12-31 11:30 pm
ln(n+1)=int{from 1 to n+1} 1/x dx <= sum{i=1 to n} 1/i

so, choose n such that ln(n+1)>=k is enough

so n>=e^k-1

so just choose n>=e^k

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