
2008-12-31 9:20 pm
A:1:你認為fast food、Chinese food、Italian food邊樣有益??
2:the foods that hk teenagers like??
3:anything else you think is important???


回答 (2)

2008-12-31 9:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1:I think Italian food and Chinese food is better than fast food!
But Chinese food is great for another food when the chinese food use
"蒸"cooking the food,It will very health!
2.Most Hong Kong teenager likes fast food.Because fast food is "煎炸食品" !
3.I think this three type of food is delicious.If possible ,use "蒸"cooking the food and the food have many vegetables.The vegetable is
organic food is great!But it is not the organic food is no problem for the vegetables have many vitamins too!And no more meat ,it will make your body health.
2008-12-31 10:04 pm
1:我認為Italian food有益啲!

2:fast food that hk teenagers like.

參考: Me

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