Agent同我講,果時轉單,係將舊單Transfer過來,所以我的身體狀況對2005呢張單係無影響,以2000年時的身體狀況為準,但我搵過成份合約,都無講過呢樣野,唯獨呢版Endorsement我唔係好明佢講咩... 有無人知道有咩用?
Attached to and forming part of Policy No.xxxxxxxx issued on the life of XXX XXX XXX.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in LIFE CARE BENEFIT, it is hereby understood and agreed that the following definition shall apply:
1: Definitions:
"Sickness" means sickness or disease of the Insured which commences and manifests after 60 days from the benefit effective date of the old Life Care Rider Benefit (which is 25th JAN, 2000), endorsement (except this Endorsement) or reinstatement of this Rider Benefit, whichever the latest.
All other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
兩份單係幫同一個Agent買的,而且係同一間保險公司... 係咪同一間保險公司就可以以舊的身體狀況轉保?
我都知我已被人搵笨,我現在最擔心的是危疾同住院保障,因為我2005年前身體狀況有了變化,但又未有咩大獲野發生,亦未有claim過,我現在review返這些保單,我好驚將來有D咩事,保險公司會以我2005年已有問題而作為拒賠理由。 我曾為此事問agent,佢話就算2005年前身體狀況有了變化,但呢份單仍然以2000第一次投保時的身體狀況為準,雖然佢話無影響,但係我都係好擔心,唔通agent同我講「係呀!當初我係扼你同我轉左份單,其實你咁樣保險公司係唔會受你保」