
2008-12-31 8:18 am
假設我幫外國人買野, 我要收佢錢. 外國人點樣轉賬落我香港的銀行戶口?

回答 (2)

2009-01-09 3:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
3 methods:

1) both of you have the same bank, that will cause a little remittance charge. different bank will charge over $80 USD fee, depend on your amount.

2) Cash check and mail it to you.. take forever

3) Moneygram or Western Union (international money transfer) about $30US dollar charge for over 300$ USD

if you choose the first option, tell your foreign fd,
1) you bank name
2) your account #
best way I will choose the 3) option
2008-12-31 9:59 am


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