Do you hate private school?

2008-12-30 9:29 am
This is my first year in college at University of Illinois, Chicago and I found out that I really hate the people who attend provate college or universities and not the public one.

At first, the give you an attitude and no manner at all

Second, they flash their money in front of your face.

Last, they spoiled by their parents and they drive luxury cars to school

This is my personal experience and I would like to know how you think about people that goes to private school.

Honest answer, please

回答 (6)

2008-12-30 9:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
I absolutely hate private college and university.
Stay away from

University of Chicago
Depaul University

those people who attend those college have major attitude problem and they do not have the basic manner like normal people have.
參考: Personal Experience, University of Illinois Chicago graduate Class of 2006.
2008-12-30 9:55 am
Don't generalize, not everyone is like that.
2008-12-31 2:02 am
to my experience im an eighth grader in private school its fine right now but you are a bit yelled at by a nun. UGUHHHH my English teacher she is very good i learn a lot but she is a cranky about all the time pretty scary though. otherwise it is fine sorry about your experience at private school
2008-12-30 11:44 pm
LOL, my dh went to Harvard, full scholarship, was from a poor family, public school, worked as a janitor. Most of his friends at Harvard were not wealthy -- a few were extremely wealthy, but they weren't showy. None of my private university / Ivy league friends were snobby. Quite the opposite.

My son goes to private middle school now and the kids dress like they shop at the Goodwill on free dress days even though many are very wealthy. The local public school kids from families with low incomes dress way more expensively. And my experience is that the private school kids have way better manners, especially on field trips. Geesh, I wanted to shake the teachers with those kids to get them to take care of their students. I went to public schools, we were beasties. At private schools there are lots of nosy mom volunteers around watching everything, so manners tend to be drilled into you. = ) The kids who graduated and are now at private colleges are the same nice kids I used to know.

Sorry you had a bad experience, but really, not all private university kids are like that! Don't shut out others because of bad experiences with a few.
2008-12-30 9:39 am
I went to private school and I received the better education for it. I also went to a private college, transferred to a huge public university, and did my last year at another private college.
People have an attitude and flash money wherever one goes. Don't take it personally.
I found that more students take their educations seriously at private school than public schools. And often the public colleges and schools are an expensive extension of the high school years where often the major is partying and the minor is education.
2008-12-30 9:34 am
Well I go to a private school and my family isn't even rich. I'm definetely not spoiled by my parents. I don't get any allowance, I have to work for it at my parents' store. I don't get every single thing I want either. None of my friends who go to private school act spoilt either.

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