泰勒(Taylor)VS費堯(Henri Fayol)理論

2008-12-31 2:35 am
泰勒(Frederick Winslow Taylor)與費堯(Henri Fayol)的principles 做比較,佢地有咩分別呢??

回答 (1)

2008-12-31 10:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"If you read Frederick Winslow Taylor from the beginning of the century, there are three fundamental things he taught: "1. Find the best practice wherever it exists. Today we call it benchmarking. "2. Decompose the task into its constituent elements. We call it business process re-design. "3. Get rid of things that don't add value. Work out, we call it now. "So we're doing these things one more time and we need to do them. "But my argument is that simply getting better is usually not enough. "Whether it involves cycle time, quality or whatever, most of re-engineering has been about catching up." This continuous quality improvement process was originated by Taylor, it is fair to say, and we are still trying to catch up.
While both have a task focus, their approaches are quite different. Fayol was particularly interested in authority and its implementation while Taylor concentrated on work organisation (e.g. efficiency). In many ways their views illustrating some of the differences between the USA and Europe. The views and attitudes towards organisations and management are not always led by American theorists. He advocated a consistent set of principles that all organisations need to run properly.

Fayol's five functions still form the basis of much of modern management thought and action.

plan (and look ahead),




control (feedback and inspect).

2008-12-31 14:11:19 補充:
Fayol - particularly interested in authority and its implementation
Taylor - concentrated onwork organisation (e.g. efficiency)

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