英文文法問題i got crazy & i am crazy

2008-12-31 1:51 am
我想問i got crazy岩唔岩文法?
定係應該用i am crazy


回答 (3)

2008-12-31 5:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
我想問i got crazy岩唔岩文法?
定係應該用i am crazy

Not bad! Different tenes in these two sentences.
I got crazy. ( Simple past tense)= to express how you felt IN THE PAST
My neighbours made too much noise last night. I got crazy!
( How you felt LAST NIGHT)
I am crazy. ( Simple PRESENT tense)= to express how you feel now
or how you always feel about something or someone
- I am crazy for you. ( always)
- How come I don't know how to make a sentence with this easy word?
Gosh! I am crazy now! ( your feelings at the moment)

I<----------------------A capital letter "I"

2008-12-31 10:18 am
I am crazy- 形容你自己

I got crazy-你做过D咩gum "crazy"..
例如: I got crazy with computer games.
參考: me
2008-12-31 2:02 am
i got crazy 應該唔岩文法,應該用i am crazy(這是個人意見)...

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