importing food from China

2008-12-30 9:19 pm
Most of Hong Kong's food is imported from mainland China.
However, cases of poisoning from contamainted food are often reported by the media.

What are the pros and cons of importing food from the mainland?
Why do these case occur and what,if anything,can be done to reduce them in future?

回答 (2)

2009-01-09 9:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My opinion is as below:
Cost: importing food from China is most cost effective. For many other locations, the transportation cost is too high. It only justify for some high end food, and for low end food, it will increase the cost a lot.
Volume: Considering the population in Hong Kong, and there is basically almost no food production within Hong Kong, most, if not all of the food must be import and there is not enough marine, or air transportation to support the volume, but we import most of the food from China through roads & railway.
Quality: You had mentioned that the quality, actually more exactly not quality, but I classified it as quality of food.
Dependence: Of course, majority of food import from one country/location is not healthy. If there is any diaster affect the food production in China, we may also been affected. It had happened on bird flu and other disease.
Frankly speaking, I don't think much we can do. The same for the SAR government. Although they said that they will send some specialist to visit certain farm / factory, or they keep testing at the border, they also know that the best way is to control from the source. However, there are so many sources. It is not possible to prevent from the SAR government, even the central government cannot prevent this to happen. The major problem is within the heart of the producer. If this cannot be changed, more such kind of stuff will happen.
2009-02-02 5:29 am
我的名字is raymond li
www.money128.biz和 -
[email protected]

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