英文文法 ~fill in the blanks~ 急

2008-12-30 7:43 pm
amaze amazed amazing amazement
A) the foreign visitors were _____ at the students' spoken English.
B) the mother asked in _____ how he and managed to remove the table.
C) to be frank, your attitude simply _____ me.
D) it's _____ to see these tiny children playing the piano so beautifully.

回答 (3)

2008-12-30 8:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A) The foreign visitors were amazed_(adj)____ at the students' spoken English.
B) The mother asked in _amazement__(noun)__ how he and managed to remove the table.
C) To be frank, your attitude simply _amazes__(verb)__ me.
D)It's amazing__(adj)___ to see these tiny children playing the piano so beautifully.
Please note that you should always capitalize the first word in your sentences.
Talking about C, there is no fixed answer.
Since there are only four answers to choose from, I'd go for
" amazes".

You may use either " simple past tense" or " present tense".
amazes ( present) or amazed ( past)
Your attitude<-----------Singular

2008-12-30 13:05:40 補充:
B) The mother asked in _amazement__(noun)__ how he managed to remove the table. ( " AND" IS REDUNDANT 多餘的 IN THIS SENTENCE.)
2008-12-30 11:53 pm
A) the foreign visitors were ___amazed__ at the students&#039; spoken English.
因為呢度係形容緊foreign visitors...所以用ed個類既字

B) the mother asked in __ amazement___ how he and managed to remove the table.
呢度係asked in一樣野,姐係要noun(名詞)

C) to be frank, your attitude simply __amaze___ me.
呢度your attitude 主詞 me.係賓詞...中間一定要有個動詞amaze

D) it&#039;s __ amazing ___ to see these tiny children playing the piano so beautifully.
因為呢度係形容緊 see these tiny children playing the piano 成個action..所以用ing form
2008-12-30 7:58 pm
A) amazed
B) amazement
C) amaze(s)
D) amazing

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