La Campanella 的問題

2008-12-30 11:08 am
Liszt 與 Paganini有甚麼關係?

I play violin and my friend told me that Liszt's La Campanella is a violin piece, is that true?

is that any recordings for me to listen?

I want to play it but I just confuse wif this two musician.

one more thing, what's the piano's character in this song? accompany violin? or it is the main character?

回答 (2)

2008-12-31 7:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
Paganini is a violin virtuoso, while Liszt is a piano virtuoso.

Liszt's La Campanella is actually no.3 of his "Grandes Etudes de Paganini", which included 6 etudes written by Liszt for solo piano, and these pieces are based on Paganini's Caprices (which are some showpieces for violin)

La Campanella is a difficult piano solo showpiece (LRSM level), and there are many recordings on Youtube (just search for La Campanella).

2009-01-03 20:38:26 補充:
Thanks very much Sir Elgar.
I just realized I'm thinking about the forth etude when answering this question. Thanks for correcting me - you are correct there.
參考: myself
2008-12-31 7:45 am
Just to say something.

Originally, La Campanella is the 3rd movement of Paganini's Violin Concerto No.2 in B minor (Rondo).

Later, Liszt rearranged this piece into Paganini etude, which is the piano version we usually listen to.

Send me emails if you still have questions

2008-12-30 23:49:05 補充:
La Campanella is not from Paganini's caprices.

There are not duet version for this piece. Paganini wrote for violin and orchestra while Liszt wrote for solo piano.

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