
2008-12-30 9:33 am
請問:"原來呢個世界真係有奇績㗎!"嘅英文口語及書面語點講?Thanks for the ans~~

回答 (7)

2008-12-30 5:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
英:That really have miracle in this world!

2009-01-03 7:59 pm
"There's actually (a thing call) miracles"

or "Miracles actually exist".

We can save "in this world". Since we are living in this world. What is not in this world we dont know. :p
2009-01-03 5:23 pm
There is miracle in the world.
參考: me
2008-12-31 2:30 am
There is miracle in the world.
參考: me
2008-12-30 6:37 pm
This world really have miracle actually .

參考: me
2008-12-30 3:56 pm
there is miracle in the world.
2008-12-30 9:48 am
That really have miracle in this world!

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