Do you carry around hurts from other people's negative energy and let mean words and put downs stick to you?

2008-12-30 4:13 am

回答 (17)

2008-12-30 4:48 am
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Not for long!

Not from people who don't matter!

And those who do, I like to thrash things down. Awww, now that sounds a way it is!...but I tone down suitably, depending on my opponent's stature and depth of my hurt.

*Shrugs off*
2009-01-02 9:34 pm
Yeah, I'm one of those people who thinks on things people say for a while. I forgive and try to forget but it still hurts.
2008-12-30 7:34 am
I limit my time to wallow. Then I rationalize and reiterate the fact that I'm the one in control of my life. So, no.
2008-12-30 6:47 am
No. I'm a firm believer in "sticks and stones". However if others use real sticks and stones, I'm not adverse to reply in kind.
2008-12-30 6:08 am
Yea.... Sometimes these really hurts and it's hard to forget... So it stucks there like a shadow next time you time it come across your mind
2008-12-30 5:25 am
Yes. I know this is bad and what others say are not always true, but we are social animals; we like recognition from people, it's natural to feel bad after someone say mean things to you, even that person is completely insane.
2008-12-30 5:08 am
Anyone can say anything with their vocal cords but it doesn't make it the truth. People try to abuse other people all the time. Just because I start telling everyone I see that they need a new pair of shoes doesn't mean that they actually need a new pair of shoes. lol People are funny! Some are even funnier!! Some actually believe that they can make you feel something profound just by passing you by and saying something stupid or repeatedly singling you out and trying to influence you. People want to be special. They want to be famous or feel important and they don't see past their noses! Listen to John Lennon's 'imagine' and have a great day yourself ;) Peace
2008-12-30 4:56 am
You are your own person and the reason they have hurt is because something hurt them and not you.

So, you can walk a mile in their shoes, but take the shoes off and then put on your shoes to continue your journey.

I know, a lot of flowery metaphors but sympathizing with people can give you insight and paths to greatness, understanding and also help them as a friend. You may also avoid pitfalls of your own with this knowledge. There are benefits to every encounter.
2008-12-30 4:27 am
I used to, it's hard to forget someone who deliberately goes around and smears your name because they are so stinking obsessed for some weird reason. This is what I am dealing with at the moment. So, I just try to avoid it, but how?
2008-12-30 4:20 am
Used to, mainly because I did not understand it. Then it did consume me until I realized those persons are not me. That is when I started speaking from my own mind and heart and made a better life for myself. They did not follow. I can and will leave them behind. But I had to move myself, find other things to listen to and keep with me. That is how I learned to make the positive appear and success followed.

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