Is this post an indicator that CIA/MI6/Mossad are preparing our mind for a war with China?

2008-12-29 6:52 pm
I just read this post:

"What is going to happen to the US economy when China cashes in on their Treasury Bonds for the stimulus?"

This is weird. First of all, China has been keeping and buying US bonds all the time and all along. All asian nations do that. Secondly, Japan, UK, Russia, and the more, are all holding US Treasury bonds in no small amount. Why single China out ?

Is this means a mind preparation for a war with China ? Like Iraq invasion.

I've found this post repeated on Yahoo answer board at least 10 times:

http://answersDOTyahoo DOTcom/question/index;_ylt=AjKOiPSlbhpqwOcCksle8VAjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20081229095543AA33lRd

http://answersDOTyahoo DOTcom/question/index;_ylt=ArLKvs7jaexD6k7cKZcHEdIjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20081229095839AAa1mic

http://answers DOTyahoo DOTcom/question/index;_ylt=Arbw.mx1AQQ2Elj.wfmNHUkjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20081229095806AAyRfLm
(Substitute DOT with period: . )

What do you think?

回答 (13)

2008-12-30 1:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
WOW! Talk about the kettle calling the pot black.

You asked his question like 8 times as shown in my sources (no doubt you will delete them) and your moaning about them having multiple post.

I think as your so much into conspiracy theories you show read "unrestricted warfare" there 2 PLA colonels talk about using economic warfare as a means to bring down the USA.

But as for answering your question, then no the likes of the CIA have better things to do than mess about on yahoo answers.
2008-12-30 7:41 am
I think no you are reading too much into it, like another poster has said your posting the same question again and again. Are you spinning a mind war on behalf of the 50 cents party.
2009-01-02 3:41 am
It means you take some nutjobs question and twist it to fit your nutjob agenda. Nothing more!

Stop trying to read between the lines, until you can actually understand the REAL writing.
2008-12-30 7:41 am
Why do I feel that you are a Chinese?
2009-01-01 2:18 am
Whose mind are you talking about? Looks like you have read too many conspiracy theories.

@Mr Hex Vision
Thank you so much Mr Hex Vision for making all those links available. I badly needed points to reach level 2 as my previous account has been suspensed. I owe 14 points to you and also the NONAME whose questions we all are answering.
2008-12-29 7:13 pm
Media like to single out China as China is growing in influence. They also like to point out that many businesses in the US outsource their manufacturing centers to China. But they failed to mention that even without China, US businesses have been outsourcing some of their activities to India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Pakistan, Mexico, etc.

They blame oil dependency on Middle East and South America, not realising that their own government lack the vision to create safe cheap alternative energy. And the people consume energy like it's their god given right to keep their houses air conditioned 24/7.

People like to blame others for their problems. This is human nature. They blame unemployment and economic crisis to outsourcing, not realising that the reason they are able to keep inflation and cost down in the States is due to cheaper price. And who wants to work for 1 dollar / hour in the States anyway? Look at the reason why the big three in Auto industry are going bankrupt? Their employees unions demand 20 dollars / hour for simple labour jobs.
2009-01-02 10:13 pm
war ??
2008-12-30 7:17 am
No, I think it's more to wake up US people. All along and even now, there are many US people who still think US is the forever-powerhouse in the world and China is a third world country, poor, weak, etc. It's time to wake up and learn more about the world around us and stop thinking we are all we need, etc.

Why single out China? Because in order for all the other countries to create the same impact that China would, they would literally have to all sell at the same time.
2016-05-22 1:45 pm
We will not go to war with china mostly because we don't have enough money to go to war. As immature as our leaders are I do believe they would work out an agreement. Our country as a whole is too open armed. We embrace everyone, which is a good thing on our territory. But not abroad. But In the effort to make other country's respect us, we have only earned laughter. We should not do so much business with country's that hate us. Its a time bomb waiting to go off!!!!!! We should keep the peace by staying out of every ones business. And just keep defending our homeland.
2009-01-03 9:59 pm
who care ??

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