the least 同 at least

2008-12-30 5:50 am
the least 同 at least邊個係岩邊個係唔岩


咁應該用the least two person 定係at least two person?

我覺得at least係岩既

但係我係yahoo serch the least 係有人用呢隻字既

咁咩情況下先用the least 咩情況下先用at least?

回答 (3)

2008-12-30 6:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
"the least" 同 "at least" 中文都係解最少. 但前者係無數量, 量化唔到嘅. 後者係有特定數值嘅. 舉個例你會易明 d .
Eg. of "the least"
1. He was hurt in that car accident. The least people could do was call an ambulance. Instead they just stood there and watched.
他在該交通意外中受了傷. 人們最小應幫他叫救護車. 但他們只站在該處圍觀.
2. Mary gave you such an expensive necklace. The least you could do is to write he a thank you letter.
瑪利給了你這麼昂貴的頸鏈, 你最小應該寫封道謝信給她.
Eg. of "at least"
a. Candidates should arrive at least 15 mins prior to the exam.
b. Each team must consist of at least 2 persons.

2008-12-29 22:09:50 補充:
我認為 "the least" 中文應為 "最小", 而 "at least" 中文應為 "最少"

2008-12-29 22:11:44 補充:
sorry 打錯字. 上面 (2) 中的 "... write he a ..." 應係 "... write her a ..."
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici
2008-12-30 9:31 am
1) 少 Little ->2) 少 D less -->3) least 最少的 4) At least - 至少( a phrase)
5) the least (noun)
You should learn from 1-5. It would be better this way, I suppose.
1) My English tutor only offered me little help. 少幫助
That's why I've failed my exam.
2) We don't have much water left in our camp.
Please use less water. 用少 D 水
3) Her lazy brother works least( adverb). 工作得最少
4)Mom: I am unwell不舒服 today. I know you need to do your homework, but would you please help me clean the kitchen AT LEAST?
Note: " at least" = 至少, NOT 最少<----------------------
5)the least = 最少的 ,最起碼的
Showing you how to use these words is the least I can do.
= Showing you how to use these words is 最起碼我可以做的.
If you want to master your English, you'll have to study harder.
Make sure when you are doubtful, always ask your English teacher(s) for help.
Good luck to you with your studies!
That's it.

Until next time, bye for now.

2008-12-30 6:22 am
At least - 至少
e.g. The width of the box must be at least 20 inches.
e.g. At least four persons play the mah jong game.
e.g. You must pass at least 5 subjects in the HKCEE.

The least - 最少, 最起碼
e.g. The least we can do is to give them clean water.
e.g. Providing the children with food is the least we can do.

The least - 最少 ... + 形容詞
e.g. My boss will take no notice of the least important meetings.(最不重要的會議)
e.g. This is the least exciting game I have ever played (最不緊張的遊戲)

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