
2008-12-30 4:20 am

系2008年, 我好懶惰,, 日日上堂刀系到玩,, 傾計, 冇試過專心上堂.. 番到屋企又吾溫書,, 吾識做功課又吾問人,, 番到學校就抄!! hea下hea下咁過一日又一日... 冇d目標..

系2009年,,我將會改過' 我會睇多d英文書,,英文報紙..英文戲..如果有中文同英文簡,,我一定會簡英文..英文系全球最重要既語言..我一定會盡力學好英文!!!


回答 (4)

2008-12-30 9:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
In the year 2008, I had been a lazy and irresponsible student. Everyday in class, I either chat with my classmates or fiddle around. When I went back to home after school, I had never studied and did not spend time focusing on my homework. If I found questions that I do not understand, I could not be bothered to ask my parents or classmates for help but leaving the homework until tomorrow and copy the answers from classmates. As days passed by, I could not find any goals or anything to set as a target to achieve.

However, in the year 2009, I decided to have big changeover on my life. I would read more English literature*, spend more time studying English at home* and watch English films for entertainment. If I had to choose from between Chinese and English, I would choose English for sure because English is the global language which means that it it extremely important so I must improve my English skills.

*書+報紙 都係文學所以我用literature去代替


2008-12-30 01:56:22 補充:
If I had to choose from between Chinese and English, I would choose English for sure because English is the global language which means that it (is) extremely important so I must improve my English skills.

參考: 海外留學生,7年經驗
2008-12-30 6:48 pm
系2008年, 我好懶惰,, 日日上堂刀系到玩,, 傾計, 冇試過專心上堂.. 番到屋企又吾溫書,, 吾識做功課又吾問人,, 番到學校就抄!! hea下hea下咁過一日又一日... 冇d目標..

系2009年,,我將會改過' 我會睇多d英文書,,英文報紙..英文戲..如果有中文同英文簡,,我一定會簡英文..英文系全球最重要既語言..我一定會盡力學好英文!!!
I was so lazy in 2008, doing nothing but playing in school and at home as well, and not asking anyone about homework problems & be a copycat next morning in school. Day after day.. with no targets at all.
In 2009, I'll change my bad hobbies, instead, I'll read more books, newspaper & movies in English. I prefer English between Chinese & English because English is the most popular language in the world today. I'll do my best to learn English.
參考: self
2008-12-30 5:00 am
In 2008,I am lasy. In the lesson , I always play or talk to people.
Even though I never pay attend for any lesson.At home, I don't want
to review . Even if I do not understand the homework , I do not ask
anyone, so when I arrived school , I will copy the homework from the
other students.One day after one day , I don't have any traget.
In 2009, I will impove. I will read more English book , newspaper,and English drama.If I can choose chinese or English, I must choose
English,because of I know English is the most important than any languages.I must hard to syudy English!!!

本身我想用BABEL FISH幫你翻譯,但你太口語,我逼於無奈自己一下一字甘打.
Hope this can help you LA
參考: Myself
2008-12-30 4:42 am
In 2008, I am very lazy. I always playing, talking with other classmates. I have never concentrat in class. At home, I don't practise the homework. When I have homework don't know how to do, cause the teacher punish me. I have no resolution, no target during my life.
In 2009, I will change. I will read more English books and English newpapers, and watch English movies. If I have to choose Chinese and English, I will choose English. English is a modern languag. I will try my best to learn English.
參考: me

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