
2008-12-30 2:32 am
有沒有人可以翻譯 "少女情懷總是詩", 希望可以簡潔而有修飾, 謝謝!

回答 (3)

2008-12-30 3:20 am
✔ 最佳答案

A young girl's fantasies about love is nothing but a poem.

2009-01-01 6:49 pm
From web and dictionaries, it seems that 少女is better interpreted as adolescent girl. My opinion only!!
2008-12-30 7:53 pm
有沒有人可以翻譯 "少女情懷總是詩", 希望可以簡潔而有修飾, 謝謝!
The mood of adolescent girls are ever lyrical.

2008-12-30 11:58:16 補充:
mood - 心情,心境,情緒
adolescent - 青春期的
lyrical - 抒情詩般的;感情豐富的

2008-12-30 12:11:08 補充:
Revised as:

The dream of an adolescent girl is ever lyrical towards love.

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