
2008-12-30 12:56 am

我是 (姓名) 乃xxxx公司xx先生的秘書, xx先生很高興收到您送來的美酒,
另外xx先生誠意邀請您於 x月x日到xx餐廳共享午膳/晚膳, 本人衷心期待您的回覆, 謝謝!


回答 (7)

2008-12-30 1:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear XXX,
My name is XXX working for Mr. XXXX as his secretary in XXXX公司. I am writing on behalf of my boss to thank you for your good wine.
In addition, Mr.XXX would like to invite you to have lunch/dinner with him
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you so much for your attention.
Yours sincerely,
2008-12-30 7:01 pm
我是 (姓名) 乃xxxx公司xx先生的秘書, xx先生很高興收到您送來的美酒,
另外xx先生誠意邀請您於 x月x日到xx餐廳共享午膳/晚膳, 本人衷心期待您的回覆, 謝謝!

I am Nancy Wong, Secretary of Mr. Robin Chan of xxx company. Robin is so glad about the nice wine sent by you.
Mr. Chan would like to invite you to have dinner together on ..... at .....if you have time. I look forward to your favorable reply regarding this. Thank you.
Nancy Wong
參考: self
2008-12-30 5:08 pm
My name is XXX, the secretary of XXXXX公司。 Mr.XXX is really happy and enjoy the fine wine u have gave him. Also, he wanted to invite you for dinner in X(月) XX(日),XXXX(年). I will look forward for your answer. Thank you.
Sincerely, XXXX

个年月日系美国系gum用ga. 如果你同个美国人讲野, 你就gum打啦。
參考: Me
2008-12-30 6:03 am
I am (name) am xxxx company xx gentleman's secretary, xx gentleman is very happy the good wine which receives you to send,

other xx gentleman the sincerity invites you to share the lunch/late meals in x month x date to xx dining room, myself anticipated heartfeltly your reply, thanks!

on xx young lady
2008-12-30 2:48 am
I m a secretary of MR. XXX form XXXX company. My name is XXX. Mr. XXX felt happy to receive your wine. In addition Mr. XXX sincerely invites you to have dinner/lunch together. I’m waiting for your reply. Thank you.
2008-12-30 1:49 am
I am (name) am xxxx company xx gentleman's secretary, xx gentleman is very happy with the good wine which receives you send to him . Besides, xx gentleman invites you to share the lunch/late meals in x month x date to xx dining room sincerely, myself anticipated heartfeltly your reply, thanks!
2008-12-30 1:03 am
It is xxxx Mr. xx of Company's secretary that I am (name), Mr. xx is very glad to receive the good wine that you sent here,
Xx Mr.'s sincerity invites you to go to xx restaurant to share the lunch / the supper on day in monthly x of x in addition, I look forward to your replying sincerely, thanks!

The young lady of xx has

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