about reported question

2008-12-29 9:37 pm
如果個wh-word係how many,應該點轉呢?

How many apples does she have?

回答 (4)

2008-12-29 11:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
在 Reported speech裡,question words ('W'融字頭,如 when, where why, who, what.....等等) , 和 how much, how many, how tall, how long,,,,等等,的轉法是一樣的,所以:
"How many apples does she have? " I asked-----轉做:
I asked how many apples she had.
2008-12-29 11:43 pm
If you need to start the question with a word starting with 'WH', then it should be written as:

What number of apples does she have?

Hope you find this useful! :)
2008-12-29 10:01 pm
What quality of apples does she have?
2008-12-29 9:58 pm
What quantity of apples does she have?


2008-12-29 18:00:30 補充:
about reported questions????????

Do you mean " reported speech"?

If so, you don't need to change" how many".

You just type something like 回答者: dorischan31 showed you.

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