
2008-12-29 9:16 pm

英文點寫????有冇d口語d簡單d ??? 急急urgent !!!

回答 (8)

2008-12-29 9:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Thought you've forgot about it.

You've 係 you have 嘅簡化, 並讀作 'youth'
've' 音唔需要太長

I thought you have forgot about it

寫時要比較認真d, "formal" 所以簡音要用返全寫
用'I' 去令讀者易明誰說這句子
參考: 海外留學7 年
2008-12-30 5:23 am
Please don't argue. Our mutual objective is to help those who are not good at English.

I thought you have forgotten me. Right.
I thought you have forgotten. Right.
2008-12-30 12:00 am
Zhong thought that you do not remember left~
仲以為你唔記得左 ~
參考: 希望幫到你la!!
2008-12-29 11:42 pm
"That goes not think you remember the left ~"
2008-12-29 9:34 pm
thought you've forgotten~



2008-12-29 13:40:26 補充:
' = apostrophe(撇號)

p.s.答案003有2大錯處:forgotten 的東西 唔一定係 me
have forgotten先啱,佢用had forgotten係錯tense


2008-12-29 13:41:46 補充:
個apostrophe即係在 you 同 ve 之間果堆怪字
2008-12-29 9:33 pm

I thought you'd forgotten me.( Very simple here)


2008-12-29 13:39:28 補充:
I thought you'd put me off your mind.

2008-12-29 18:06:26 補充:
.s.答案003有2大錯處:forgotten 的東西 唔一定係 me
have forgotten先啱,佢用had forgotten係錯tense

仲以為你唔記得左~"<---------The asker did not state "THE OBJECT".

I just showed him some examples.

I have forgotten WHAT??????????

You need an object there.

2008-12-29 18:18:15 補充:
By the way, I thought you had forgotten ( object).<-----This is the proper tense!

http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/forget <----- A website for you回答者: w2s3dl2002 .

2008-12-29 18:22:28 補充:
http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/forget<-----One more dictionary website for you to learn what transitive verbs and intransitive verbs are used.

2008-12-29 18:29:50 補充:
to learn how**transitive verbs and intransitive verbs are used.

2008-12-29 18:59:35 補充:

2008-12-29 18:59:55 補充:

2008-12-29 19:00:09 補充:

2008-12-29 19:00:22 補充:

2008-12-29 19:02:06 補充:
Feel free to browse around these English books on the Internet and you will know there is nothing wrong with my tenses.

回答者: w2s3dl2002 , I do have a question for you.

Would you kindly answer it, please?

2008-12-29 19:07:20 補充:
Do you REALLY need to criticize people's answers with your limited knowledge in order to get a few points around here?

Once again, I only showed the asker two examples because he did not state
clearly what he wanted to ask. ( I used " me" as an object.)

2008-12-29 19:08:01 補充:
Also, there is nothing wrong with my first sentence.

"Past tense + past perfect tense" There are a few links above. Do go there and have a look when you are free.
2008-12-29 9:19 pm
zhong thought that you do not remember left ~
2008-12-29 9:18 pm
仲以為你唔記得左= I thought you have forgotten

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