write essay (30marks)

2008-12-29 7:51 pm
Now,patsy has arried to hong know . she want to shoppong in causeway bay u is hving an examation and cannot go with patsy help susan write an email to pasty in 80-100words. thx

Dear Patsy,
i'm so glad that you're visiting to HK . however i am not able to go to Causeway bay with u . these are the suggestions on how you can get there
the______and the ___________are the more popular means of public transport for getting to ____________._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________-help me to write plx-____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
i hope you will have a nice time at ___________________. i will wish my examation next Monday. Shall i meet u then ?

回答 (1)

2008-12-29 9:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Patsy,

I am glad to know that you will visit Hong Kong next Monday. However, I am not able to go shopping with you because I need to attend an examination on that day. So, I think you better go shopping first, after that I will meet you after finished the examination. The most convenient and easier transportation should be MTR; you can get the MTR to causeway bay.
I hope that you will have a nice time at causeway bay and please let me where can you meet then.

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