
2008-12-29 10:53 am

"本份", "份內事" 的英文是什麼?

回答 (3)

2008-12-29 8:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案

I'll do my best to complete whatever concerns my duty from now on.


2008-12-29 13:16:46 補充:
A: Are you free tonight, Whatiswhat24?

B: Yes, I am.

A: Today is my birthday. No one is going to celebrate my birthday with me.

B: Oh! I almost forgot that. I will eat with you.

2008-12-29 13:17:26 補充:
I will將 eat with you. ( just this time)

It doesn't mean I ***以都 eat with you. <------------

2008-12-29 13:18:17 補充:
It doesn't mean I ***以後

2008-12-29 13:18:54 補充:
It doesn't mean I ***以後都 eat with you. <------------****
2008-12-29 10:09 pm
From now henceforth I will complete the province
2008-12-29 8:09 pm
I'll do my job properly. 一句己okay.
1) will 己說明 "以後"
2) my job = 本份 (的工作)
3) properly = 恰當地, 正確地
如照足你的全句, 會是: I'll have my own job done properly in future. = 有些是不需要寫出來的: own job, in future等.
如你留意英文的時態, 時式 (tense), 便會發覺很多時態己在tense中表現出來, this is English.

參考: self

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