
2008-12-29 9:32 am
本人正就讀某院校的三年制高級文憑二年班. 今年希望經由non-jupas申請入讀中大或港大學位.
在中大的網上申請系統中, 說明申請人需上載所有有關文件然後再提交表格. 然而本人需待到二月中才能申請year 2 sem1的成績單.那麼問題是本人可不可以先上載year1 sem1 and sem2 的成績單再提交表格然後才後補year 2 sem1的成績單?謝謝.

回答 (1)

2008-12-29 2:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
why don't u ask their general office directly as each university have differnt procedure. And if anythings get wrong, you could minimize the chance shouldering unnecessary risk as u are not the one whom need to bear the responisiblity.

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