Are you an Animal LOVER or HATER?

2008-12-29 5:19 am
def: LOVER= wants to be around animals all the time loves them and can't live without your pet cat/dog/Parrot/whatever
HATER=doesn't care if you ever see another animal in your life, world doesn't revolve around being with, saving, and needing animals. probably doesn't want pets and has had one and didn't like having it.

I personally am a hater (although I don;t particularly like humans all that much either) and its not that i hate animals I just really don't like them and could care less about throwing fido's bone to make it happy.


回答 (17)

2008-12-29 5:44 am
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I would choose animals over humans any day! They are always loyal, understanding, and (most of the time) fluffy.
2008-12-29 5:38 am
I love animals. They love unconditionally... they give a feeling of relaxation when you pet them... they look to you for their welfare... they are better than people, if I had to make a surrounded by humans or animals... I would pick animals (but I also get to have my family).

I enjoy just seeing them in their habitat.... they are so innocent... and beautiful.... nature and animals go hand in hand.... humans... well... they come with all sorts of issues that are ugly.

I grew up with animals around me... had I not, maybe I would be indifferent, but I am glad I am not, I like the empathy and compassion having animals in my life has given me. I think all kids should grow up taking care of some sort of animals.. the prisons would probably be almost empty.
2008-12-29 5:37 am
It's always some self righteous d*ckhead with a dog - the dog's got to be chained next to your house to bark continually, and if you go talk to the guy he'll tell you to F*ck Yourself - the dog apparently has a Constitutional right to bark incessantly.

And if it isn't barking, it's squeaking and screaming for attention.

And it is guaranteed that the City, County and State law enforcement are entirely powerless where it comes to a dog.

It is therefore YOUR job to listen to his guy's dog - day and night. And if you complain, you obviously HATE animals!
2008-12-29 5:34 am
im a LOVER they are everything a human needs to comfort, teach, and learn from. When you need something who can just be there to cuddle with without having them talk back to you is priceless.
2008-12-29 5:34 am
I love animals! Definitely a lover.

It's good because they're really the only other living life form besides humans that can offer you love and affection.
2008-12-29 5:33 am
I am a HUGE animal lover. They are all just the sweetest living creatures. I dont get anyone that hates them and love humans because animals are just the same. I love them because if you are always sad your pet is always there to protect you and make you feel better. And everytime i am around an animal i feel like they are just the joy of my day.
2008-12-29 5:32 am
Lover, They are like little people in a big world. Not like the show.
2008-12-29 5:42 am
I love all animals, though I wouldn't go the the extremes of chaining myself to an animal shelter that was threatened with closure. I own a Sheltie and she's more loyal than most humans. We take her with us when we go camping, and she's no trouble at all. She doesn't talk back, doesn't run up my electricity, doesn't drink all my coffee, or wear my socks. She doesn't scratch my CD's, jump on my counters (like cats do), or change my TV channel without asking. When I call her, she comes, and doesn't ask why first. And she'll sit and wait for me to tell her what I want. She'll listen to me, no matter how boring I am. Animals are like that. They accept you just the way you are, without asking you why you are the way you are. When I can teach my dog a new trick, we're both happy, as it's like a communication connection, where we both understand what the other wants. I'm not a cat person, but I'd never intentionally hurt one. And there are certain breeds of dogs I'm not particularly fond of, but again, I'd never try to hurt them. I love horses...they're so intelligent & gentle...beautiful creatures. And I personally believe that if every person who loves animals just takes care of the ones they have, animal shelters would be put out of business. And THAT would be a good thing. <*)))><
2008-12-31 1:04 pm
I'm a 'lover' - and I sincerely hope you don't have a 'Fido' to ignore, coz he wouldn't be having much of a life.

I don't have much time for animal haters - if you hate something that's cute, cuddly, totally dependent on you and has no voice of it's own then I think there's something quite nasty inside you! I don't mean 'you' specifically, I mean real animal haters!

It's the in thing to hate animals - but hey there ya go, I guess I'm not following the clones!! Good for me... (honestly, don't get me started...)
2008-12-29 6:20 am

Animals has always been my passion. They are loyal, don't judge, they make me happy, and I am giving them the best life possible.

I don't really understand people who don't like animals. I tried having a friend who didn't like animals it didn't last long he was always telling my dogs to get away or commenting about how there was no need for animals blah blah blah. Just like people who don't like animals can't understand why I surround myself with them.

But too each their own I guess.

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