[AL chem]VSEPR問題!!![急]

2008-12-29 6:19 am
點解lone pair-lone pair>lone pair-bond pair>bond pair-bond pair?

書話lone pair 只受一個nucleus 吸引,所以lone pair 相對於bond
pair o既electron density 大o的,所以lone pair就diffuse o的,所以repulsion就大o的

點解書話lone pair o既electron density相對於bond pair大o的呢?大
o的又會diffuse o的?diffuse o的repulsion又會大o的?


咁點解書話lone pair o既electron density相對於bond pair大o的呢?

回答 (1)

2008-12-29 7:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think lone pair is attracted by one nucleus.
bond pair is attracted by 2 nucleus. cosider the bond pair distributed between 2 nucleus.

thus lone pair experience less attraction. thus more diffuse. more diffuse, less localize. the influence of diffuse lone pair becomes greater. if you consider quantum theory, lone pair has higher potential energy.

bond pair bond pair repulsion are smaller because of the distance between the bond pair and another bond pair

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 13:56:36
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