
2008-12-29 5:50 am
有無人去過面試? 佢仲會用什麼英文問題留難我們?><~

I am very interested in this job. The first reason is the working environment is very silent that I feel so comfortable . The second reason is that I like reading so much that I often borrow books from the library. So it is somehow quite convenient for me to work in a library. The last reason is I like clean and tidy . And being a library assistant is needed to tidy up all the library's materials . If I can tidy up all those materials , our borrowers will be easy to find out what they want following the number's code labelled on it . So , I think my job is helping them and I enjoy this feeling ! The feeling of helping others ! Thank you !

回答 (4)

2008-12-29 9:30 am
✔ 最佳答案

I am very interested in this job. One of the reasons is that
I feel so comfortable in a quiet place. The second reason is that
I myself love reading so much and often borrow books from libraries.It would be
more convenient for me to borrow stuff if I worked in a library.
Speaking of my last reason why I like this job is that I love clean and tidy places. Being a library assitant, I will have to organize things and handle
all materials tidily for people to find what they need easily just simply by
following the machine-readable codes on each book.
I think my job would have something to do with helping people around the library.
I would love to do that. Thank you very much!

Good luck to you!

2008-12-29 01:31:09 補充:
library assistant****************
2008-12-29 6:47 am
其他文法有002個答案嗰位網友比意見, 我淨係想講睇你編自我介紹嘅第一個印象就係有D"中式"feel, 假如你將"The first reason"改做"First of all", 將"The second reason is"改做"Secondly,", 將"The last reason is"改為"Last but not least,"咁就比較好D.
參考: Myself
2008-12-29 6:29 am
1) so + adjective + that
e.g. The story is so touching that it moves me to tears
so silent that I feel very comfortable.
2) I like reading very much.
3) I like cleanliness and tidyness. (應用名詞)
4) And being a library assistant, I need to.......
5) To find out what they want by following the number...... (加 by)
6) My job can help them
2008-12-29 6:15 am
I haven't been to one but I think your short introduction is fine as long as you say it smoothly.

*Just a suggestion, you may want to change the 2nd sentence - word &quot;slient&quot; to &quot;quiet&quot;, to me &quot;quiet&quot; sounds better, it suits more for &quot;comfortable&quot;.
參考: a little thinking...

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