Kes Gray ge 國籍(20點)

2008-12-29 4:24 am
如題...唔該幫我搵吓[Nelly the Monster Sitter]ge作者: Kes Gray ge國籍係咩.......唔該呀,,我要做report


回答 (1)

2009-01-12 5:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Kes Gray is British.
Please refer:
Born 1960, in Chelmsford , England ; Education: University of Kent , B.A.
Agent—David Higham Associates, 5-8 Lower John St. , Garden Square, London W1F 9HA , England .
Advertising copywriter for firms in England , c. 1982-97; writer and freelance advertising copywriter, 1997—.
Honors Awards
Received numerous awards for advertising campaigns in United Kingdom; overall prize, Federation of Children's Book Awards, Stockport Schools Book Award, overall prize, Sheffield Book Award, and Experian Big Three Award, all 2001, all for Eat Your Peas.
Kes Gray (1960-) - Writings
Kes Gray (1960-) - Sidelights

Also, please see:
Shortlists - 2005 - Nelly the Monster Sitter by Kes Gray

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:19:56
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