Economic MC ( Form 6 level )

2008-12-28 10:34 pm
1.The postulate of convexity

A. cannot be used to derive the law of demand
B. is consistent with specialization in consumption
C. can be used to derive a downward sloping demand curve if the utility level is held constant.
D. All of the above

Answer is D, but I don't know what is happening with C.

2.When a price searcher produces an output at which marginal cost is greater that marginal revenue,

A. he can increase his total revenue by reducing his production
B. he can maximize his wealth by raising his price
C. he suffers loss
D. he is producing at an inelastic portion of demand curve

回答 (3)

2008-12-30 5:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
(在此只想討論一下, 未必能夠給予閣下確實的解題方法)


The postulate of convexity can be used to derive a downward sloping demand curve if the utility level is held constant.

據我所知, The postulate of convexity 只代表 Indifference Curve 係 convex to the origin, 之但係要 DERIVE 一條 downward sloping demand curve 係需要 holding real income constant.

單憑 postulate of convexity 而完全不提及 income effect 實在無法 derive 一條必定 downward sloping 的 demand curve.

所以我覺得 C 是錯的.

請問閣下, 這條題目是源自 HKAL 還是學校出的題目呢?

如果是學校題目, 請向老師轉達上述看法, 問他為何可以 ignore income effect 而肯定 postulate of convexity 便成功 derive downward sloping demand curve.

(如果你之後知道答案, 也煩請告訴我)


When a price searcher produces an output at which marginal cost is greater that marginal revenue...

作為 price searcher,
profit maximizing output level 當然是 MR = MC

當 MC > MR, 就是說間 firm 不是 maximizing profit.
很簡單, 因為多生產一件貨的額外成本 竟然要貴過賣出去的價錢, 試問 profit maximizing 的你又點會咁做呢.

所以, 最好方法就是減少 production 啦 ^o^

Answer is A.

注意: 間 firm 無 suffer loss, 佢一直都係賺緊錢的, 之不過 production @ MC > MR 會令到賺的錢少咗, i.e. not maximizing profit.

2009-01-02 18:20:43 補充:
首先, 我也謝謝你給我最佳解答.

第一題, 看來我是看漏了 holding utility constant 的 implication =.="

至於第二題, 我想我們都想得太多了...因為...
Option A 是 he can increase his total revenue by reducing his production.
而不是 he can increase his PROFITS(or WEALTH or ECONOMIC GAIN, you know what I mean) by reducing production.

2009-01-02 19:08:42 補充:
當 price searcher produces at where MC>MR,
它便會 cut production--> 於是price drops.
而 total revenue 上升或下跌就是 depends on the price elasticity of demand 啦~

所以 Option A 是 he can increase his total revenue by reducing his production 便錯了, 因為 total revenue is uncertain.


2009-01-02 20:31:30 補充:
至於 Option B, 這個我不太慬解釋, 倒是有些疑惑想討論一下.

正如閣下所言, 假如 MC>MR仍然可以maximize wealth的話, 平時果一套係咪有bugs呢?

所以我有理由相信平時所學的一套是沒有 bugs 的, 有的話已經一早要我們讀 Paradox of 甚麼甚麼啦~ MC = MR 理應是真理 for maximization (I mean within AL syllabus)

2009-01-02 20:32:29 補充:
閣下指出, 「一般來說, PS生產到MC=MR, 而MR係D既一半. 即係話, 就算PS因生產過多而導致MC>MR, 市場仍會吸納倒多出黎既貨, 而且Qd>Qs. 」

問題是, 由始至終 price searcher 都沒有 supply curve, 又如何決定 market price 呢?

2009-01-02 20:42:33 補充:
「究竟係reduce output定係increase price會帶黎更大既wealth, 我相信係要睇Ed, 只但係我唔知道點樣解釋倒落去.」
我絕對明白閣下的意思, 因為 Ed 的確 affect our analysis a lot.
我也是陷入了這個思想困局 =.="

很對不起, 說了那麼多無謂的意見 -.-
參考: myself, 很努力讀 AL Econ 的人卻被 2008 AL Econ 打敗了
2010-01-31 7:35 am
Refer to Q2,
首先, 題目的重點是問 price-searcher, 若 choose A, 就未能回應題目要求。從 price-taker 角度看, price-taker can only control the level of output (production), but cannot control the price.
MC=MR is wealth-maximizing level.

2010-01-30 23:35:56 補充:
MC>MR--> price-searcher reduces Q-->MC falls, holding MR constant.
但是, price-searcher can control both price and output level.
Thus, A is not the answer, but B.

2010-01-30 23:36:08 補充:
回應 chinese_epada 的問題:
1) 由始至終 price searcher 都沒有 supply curve, 又如何決定 market price 呢? 我們又如何確保市場會吸納倒多出黎既貨呢?
Price-searcher 是以 market demand curve 來定 market price, need not the presence of supply curve.
Me: 如果 no supply curve --> no market price, 怎能有 transaction-->怎能有 market of price-searcher?

2010-01-30 23:36:20 補充:
2) 「究竟係reduce output定係increase price會帶黎更大既wealth, 我相信係要睇Ed, 只但係我唔知道點樣解釋倒落去.」
我絕對明白閣下的意思, 因為 Ed 的確 affect our analysis a lot.
我也是陷入了這個思想困局 =.="
Me: Ed should be irrelevant 因為題目沒有提供有關 P<--> Q and TR 的資料. Ed remains uncertain.
Resource: from my concept and reference books

2010-01-30 23:41:06 補充:
問題看來深奧, 答案會是出奇地簡單!

2010-01-30 23:42:06 補充:
回應 chinese_epada 的問題:
1) 由始至終 price searcher 都沒有 supply curve, 又如何決定 market price 呢? 我們又如何確保市場會吸納倒多出黎既貨呢?
Me: Price-searcher 是以 market demand curve 來定 market price, need not the presence of supply curve.
如果 no supply curve --> no market price, 怎能有 transaction-->怎能有 market of price-searcher?
2009-01-01 9:07 am
第二題, 答案係B. 一開始我同你諗法一樣, 只但係有個bug. 問題問既係price searcher(PS), 如果佢問price taker既話, 你既解釋應該正確. 一般來說, PS生產到MC=MR, 而MR係D既一半. 即係話, 就算PS因生產過多而導致MC>MR, 市場仍會吸納倒多出黎既貨, 而且Qd>Qs. 因此, PS可直接提升P黎increase profit without extra costs.

2009-01-01 01:07:54 補充:
至於究竟係reduce output定係increase price會帶黎更大既wealth, 我相信係要睇Ed, 只但係我唔知道點樣解釋倒落去.

不過, 假設解釋得倒既話, 又產生出另一個問題. 既然MC>MR仍然可以maximize wealth的話, 平時果一套係咪有bugs呢?

順帶一提, 題目來自HSSC internal mid-year past paper

2009-01-06 23:32:01 補充:
其實我都同同學們研究過哩題, 已經發覺倒A點解錯

for B, 其實我應該已經諗倒. 關鍵可能在於個「can」字, somehow我當佢係「may」. 因為我consider左兩個case, o係兩個不同既case, 各有一種maximize wealth既方法, 冇記錯的話, 關鍵在於佢個initial price

不過我諗既野寫左落份notes度, 冇帶番黎, 所以遲d先講- -

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