anyone watching the arab countries responses?

2008-12-28 1:09 am
to Israel saying it will keep bombing till hamas changes its behavior? Syria, lebanon,all these countries now want to join in in declaring irael started this mess. Saying what they are doing is crimminal. This is worrying me.Here we go yet again!

Some of the answers here are very juenille. Maybe you should get current on what exacty is happening today. Especially when this just may get us into a third war. Expect to be drafted at that point i would imagine. Thigs are getting worse with all these countries.


Cowboy and Timothy i so agree with you. This is scaring me to death. More than 15 arab countries are now joining against irael for retaliations, in a summit meeting. If they all join powers, stuff will be coming from all over and we must defend irael. There we go Kaboom!

回答 (17)

2008-12-28 1:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
It would stand to reason that the countries who sponsor terrorism would denounce Israel. What else is new?
2008-12-28 9:14 am
Yes, the Arab countries say nothing about the sniping and rockets being fired into Israel on a daily basis, Israel must do whatever it needs to to to protect its citizens.
2008-12-28 9:13 am
Yes, they attack and then cry when they are hit back.

It's like if I walked up and punched you in the nose and then when you beat the crap out of me I claimed you started it.

They are insane and it will only end when all the extremists are dead. I have been there and talked with some of these whack jobs and they are truly insane. They only want to kill Jews and don't care who or what happens as long as a Jew dies.

Any country that attacks Israel will be blown to bits. That is a fact. Israel will not go quietly again. They are ALL trained in self defense and ALL will fight to the last man woman and child. If a country tosses a nuke on them, the USA will respond in kind and will obliterate the country that threw it.

Unless it is after the hanky twisting left takes power. and then they will just get a stern warning to not commit genocide again.
2008-12-28 9:17 am
That's exactly what I expected from those terrorist supporting countries They say that everytime the USA or Isreal fights back. Let them join in if they want -- I doubt it. Kuwait couldn't even defend itself. You don't see a lot of the Arab/Persian countries doing anything to help anyone.
2008-12-28 9:28 am
Israel and Lebanon go at it like this cyclically (remember the last one of the kidnapping of the Israeli Army Private?). Unfortunately eventually other nations will respond in kind. My only hope is that the US and Coalition presence in the region will keep ALL involved nations tempers at bay and not literally turn it into the 3rd World War.
參考: makes me a bit nervous too
2008-12-28 9:22 am
first to Nivea; how about you get the hell out of the country then to, We are all technically invaders expecially if you are a US citizen. unless you are a full blood native American then you should be demanding all others leave the USA.

To answer your question.
I am not surprised. I have the greatest respect for a country that takes no crap from anyone. Israel defends Israel. you mess with her, you will get delt with. There is no talking because Israel understands that with these people you cannot reason.
2008-12-28 1:32 pm
I'm not worried about the Arab League's response. The Palestinians are not Arabs. That's why prior support from the Arabs has been minimal at best. The Arab nations which did take in a lot of Palestinians after the creation of Israel (Tunisia, Lebanon, Jordan) soon grew tired of their presence. Even Iraq expelled Palestinians before we launched Operation Desert Storm in 1991. The Arabic word for "Palestinian" is "Filistinya" (Philistine). The Arabs are descended from Ishmael, Abraham's illegitimate son. The Palestinians are descendants of Goliath. The only thing they share is that both are Sunni Muslims, with the exception of the most influential Arab nation (Saudi Arabia) who are members of the Wahabi sect of Islam.
So, anything which comes from the Arab League's summit will be a lot of noise, with no thought of military involvement against Israel. Two of the Arab nations which abut Israel (Egypt and Jordan) signed peace treaties with Israel and neither is about to break those treaties.
2008-12-28 9:50 am
Its a jiihaad, it will never go away until one side is destroyed and at this point it seems as Isreal is on the winning side until the palistianians pull together as a group and then the Isrealies are doomed its a deadly game of King of the hill. Isreal is a recognised country according to th U.N. They will get support just because of that. I was in Hiafa about 15 years ago and then went to Egypt. I had purchased a set if Isrealy jump boots and was asked to leave the country of Egypt for 30 days incase I carried Isreali influances with me I would forget what I learned in the 30 day period. It wont be over in my lifetime. I afraid. Thats my adult and honest opinion.
參考: Just an opinion
2008-12-28 9:46 am
Privately, these Arab countries are urging Israel to crush Hamas before it becomes too strong.
2008-12-28 9:50 am
All I can say and I'm gonna loose points and still say it!! Get your lives right Brothers and Sisters cause the whole middle east is going to blow! It's like a nuke going off in very slow motion. Here's where I will loose points. The book of Revelations speaks of this. Israel is GOD"S choosin people. They have been persecuted and many have forsaken God but 144,000 will be saved. These will be the Christan jews. They will be the teachers of those left behind! Saten has persecuted the jews for 100s of years. But that seed of Israel that 144,000 can never be touched! Israel has a right to defend it's country! I totally support them! I Truly believe the end is near!
參考: Christian and ex-army

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