My friend has Diabetes how close are they to a cure?

2008-12-27 7:21 pm
My firend has type 1 diabetes and i kinda feel bad for her and she really hopes thay will find a cure soon. Does anyone know how close they are and about how much longer it could take??

回答 (20)

2008-12-27 7:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
They have been doing pancreas transplants for years. You have to be on the waiting list and could take years and also rejection possibilities. A friend of mine just got one after 20 years of waiting.
2008-12-27 8:01 pm
- ms me - Type 1 Diabetes can not be controlled without medication no matter what.

As to the asker? There have been huge leaps and bound in Diabetic research since it's discovery. Pancreas transplants are used, although rarely as that is one organ that does not respond well to transplants, and is usually rejected and destroyed by the body. They are working on it.

A more recent breakthough is the transplant of the Islet Cells, which are the cells inside the Pancreas that create/secrete insulin. They are still years away from a marketable product/procedure though.

I have been Diabetic for 19 years, and hope that they do come out with a cure as it has wrought damage on my body, but do not see one soon.

Cheers and all the best to you and your friend!
2008-12-27 7:34 pm
The thing about research is that you don't know what the results are going to be until you do it. Some drugs and procedures get most of the way through development, and then they realize that there's a problem, and have to go back to the drawing board. So until the cure is here, nobody really knows how much longer it will take.

Meanwhile, encourage your friend to take good care of her health as best she can, and be supportive. Diet, exercise, and correct use of insulin make a major difference.
2008-12-27 7:25 pm
Some things simply cannot be cured. To be honest, they are not a bit closer to finding a cure since they first started researching it and spent billions of dollars. It's definitely not gonna happen in 10 years, probably not even in our lifetimes.
2016-05-20 6:06 pm
I'm a 45 year old woman and was recently diagnosed as being a borderline diabetic. My doctor prescribed some medication, but before filling it I decided to do some research on the internet which led me to the methods. After reading this ebook and applying the methods, my scepticism turned to 100% belief. I noticed that my energy levels increased significantly and I felt more rested in the morning, my symptoms started going away.

I am very happy to tell you that I have been feeling better than I have felt in years and my doctor informed me that he will be taking me off my prescriptions if I keep this up.

I recommend you use the Type 2 Diabetes Destroyer to naturally reverse your diabetes.
2016-03-23 8:40 pm
2016-03-13 12:28 pm
Currently there is no cure. I have type 2 diabetes and have had success controlling my blood glucose by eating a low fat vegetarian diet. Previously I tried a low carb approach with little success. I eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, legumes, and grains. I have seen a recent study on mice who are given capsicum injections who are cured of their diabetes.
2009-01-01 6:50 pm
A new product has become available this year that is changing people's quality of life in several different categories. I have personally seen it help folks with...Diabetes, high blood pressure, chronic pain, swelling, joint aches and pains, headaches, arthritis, irritable bowel, the list is long. It was designed to help a father who was dieing from liver failure. It's been said that there are fruits available in different locations of the globe with healing capabilities. I believe it now. It contains Acai, Gac, Goji, Mangosteen, Noni, Seabuckthorn, Fucoidan, Pomegranate, aloe, ...the list is long. Anyway you can get a free trial at this website, It's definitely worth the 2.99 for shipping.
Best of luck

PS.. there are a bunch of testimonials there also if you're interested.
2008-12-30 3:15 am
don't know how close ..but we might get closer if we had more computer power.....check out this research group trying to find a cure for all kinds of disease
2008-12-29 2:48 am
Well I have been diabetic for 10 years now ( I'm 16) and my doctors tell me that honestly a cure is not going to be for a while until the government will help fund stem cell research..
參考: I am a juvenile diabetic type 1
2008-12-27 7:50 pm
Unfortunately, at this time there is no cure for diabetes and I don't see one coming in the future. It's caused by a dysfunction of the pancreas to produce enough insulin on its own. If your friend follows her MD's instruction's, she should be OK. There are complications from diabetes as a person gets older, but if she's younger, she shouldn't worry about that now. It will be addressed when the time comes.

She should ALWAYS have a podiatrist cut her toe nails. Wounds heal slower, so if she experiences that it's normal. She needs to take her blood sugar before each meal and eat accordingly. She should be fine.
參考: I'm a Nurse.
2008-12-27 7:24 pm
I have type 2 and I am told that it will be a while.
2008-12-27 7:23 pm
well my sister has it too and the doctor tells her it should be under 10 years :)
參考: doctor
2008-12-28 11:35 pm
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Sincerely yours,
2008-12-27 7:42 pm
both my husband and i have
2008-12-27 9:33 pm
Hi you,
I believe I have read about lots of research being achieved in this field. I understand they're now about to release a new cure for T1. It seems to be very efficacious, and promises to cure those patients for good.
I've also heard of a kind of tea which will be available on sale soon, and which helps diabetes patients lead kinda normal life.
Good luck to your friend!
2008-12-27 9:48 pm
Sorry for your friend! Just read an article that there's a natural remedy for diabetes sufferers to recover from the ailment, though not a direct answer to your question. But hope this information helps and your friend will come over with it soon!
2008-12-27 7:51 pm

Unfortunately, because she has type 1 diabetes, like my niece, she will be taking insulin for the rest of her life.

It is possible for her to go downhill with her health, or to stay at her current health level, or get into better health. THat is mainly effected by how well she controls her blood sugar levels and how good her diet is.

While a cheeseburger and fries might be OK for anyone else, the fat and concentrated sugars in that type of food is not so good for her. It dies not take one cheeseburger, but a lifestyle that has cheeseburgers several times a month that will raise cholesterol levels, and bring more body fats into the system.

Animal fats circulating in the bloodstream will cause it to become more viscous, so the heart has to pump harder, and higher blood pressure results.

I have been reading a great book, Dr. Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes. In his book he writes that even if you become insulin resistant, the person is able to change diet for the better and start to use insulin more effectively.

I suggest that you read this book, because it will give you an understanding of how diabetes is started, and perhaps when she says lets go out to eat, you can suggest Soup Plantation, where they serve salads, great soups, and everything a diabetic could want to eat!

Another good book is The PH Miracle for Diabetes by Dr. Young. He suggests that soft drinks is about the most toxic things that we regularly put in our body, and that we need to eat more alkaline foods, and eat a healthy lifestyle. He says that being overly acidic is a root cause for diabetes, and will lead to kidney failure, and other problems such as the body storing excess acids in fat cells.

Happy New Year !
2008-12-27 7:28 pm
unfortunately the diabetes in this country is worse not better.although most times its genetic a lot of times its due to food,not enough exercise, suggestion to your friend would be go to a diabetic education class.sometimes the classes help enough that people can control diabetes without medication.she may be able to control with diet.good luck to you and her.diabetes is horrible.
2008-12-27 7:24 pm
They release the cure next Tuesday

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