HELP!!!! How to teach puppy to go to toilet?

2008-12-27 8:30 am

I am a new dog owner and I just got a 2 months old husky baby girl. She's peeing and shitting all over the house. I tried to train her by grabbing her right when she pee and put her back inside the cage. But that doesn't work. She would not continue peeing once I put her back inside the cage. I tried trapping her inside the cage at night and she screamed for the WHOLE NIGHT non-stop. I didn't let her out until the morning but she didn't pee inside the cage. As soon as I let her out, she pee on the floor again.

What should I do? Please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks in advance...

Thanks all for the suggestion. I live in an apartment in the city and it's not convenient to take the dog out whenever....

回答 (9)

2008-12-27 9:00 am
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Never put a puppy back in the crate when she starts to pee, you take her outside in the yard. Putting her in the crate when she needs to pee is teaching her to pee in the crate. That is the opposite of potty training.
This is a baby puppy. She has no control over her bowels and bladder the same way as a human baby has no control.

Take her outside at least once an hour. If she doesn't toilet then take her back inside and put her in the crate for 10 minutes and then take her outside again and use a word you are comfortable with that she will identify with the action of toileting. Keep doing this until she does oblige. When she pees or poops outside praise her and give her a treat.

You don't 'trap' a puppy in a crate. The crate should be a safe place for your puppy. You want her to like being in her crate. Treat your puppy kindly and gently.

Also you need to get up and take her outside during the night. Why did you leave her in the crate for the whole night?

A baby puppy can't hold on all night, their bladder is small. When you take her out of the crate in the morning pick her up and take her outside or she will pee on the floor.

Please do some research on the net about training puppies. You seem to be at a loss and it's much easier and fairer on the dog if you do it the right way from the beginning.

Add: NEVER chain your puppy up outside to toilet train. It potty training. Also a baby puppy needs to go out at least every hour during the day and every 2-3 hours at night.

As for the person who 'got rid' of their dog because THEY didn't potty train it....words fail me.
2008-12-27 5:23 pm
Convenient or not, a two month old puppy will need to be taken outside every 30 to 40 minutes in order to effectively house train her. Also keep her under close watch, any time she starts sniffing around, take her out again.

Any negative input will only make her afraid, she has no clue what it means. House training is a positive feedback only enterprise.

Putting her in her crate when she has to pee is effectively training her that the crate is the correct place to go, and since the crate is also her den, that is going to make the poor dog neurotic almost instantly.

House training a puppy requires your 100% commitment, done right it doesn't take long, a few weeks or less, done wrong it ends up never working and can easily make the poor dog unbalanced.
2008-12-27 4:41 pm
Crate is a happy place NEVER EVER USE IT FOR PUNISHMENT.

Use the crate at night and any other time you cannot watch her. At 2 months your puppies bladder is still very small so she needs to go to the bathroom often. Be prepared to get up after only 5 or so hrs of sleep. You do not correct a dog when they do not know what the right thing to do is. If you catch her you can give her a light correction but nothing like you have been doing.

So, outside often. She pees or poops you throw a party! That big a deal; praise a TON and also you can offer her a reward. Always take her out RIGHT before and after crating her.
2008-12-27 4:38 pm
dont put her in her cage, put her outside instead. and dont leave until she goes, when she does treat her

tip: NEVER i repeate NEVER yell at a dog for peeing in the house, it just makes the dog hide from going when peeing
2008-12-27 5:07 pm
If you throw your anger to the puppy, she will just ignore you thinking you're mad and you be more agre by then. I agree to the person (I forgot the name, sorry) who said to give a treat to the puppy when it poop or pees at the right place. If your puppy poop or pees at the wrong place, say "NO!" to her.
2008-12-27 4:50 pm
Never use a crate as a punishment.Her crate or cage is her home and is to be used for sleeping only.When you catch her peeing on the floor immediately grab her & tell her "NO" firmly and take her outside.You have to be consistant and patient in order to train her right.Good luck!!
參考: Owner of 2 dogs
2008-12-27 4:40 pm
when she pees and poops where she is supposed to, praise her or give her treat(s) so she knows she has done good. When she does it where she shouldn't, just tell her no and maybe put her in her kennel for just a few minutes so she knows she did something bad. You could also send your dog to obedient class, or get those mats to put on your floor or something. i had a puppy that did that and we had to get rid of him so i hope your dog stops so you can keep her :-)
2008-12-27 4:38 pm
For one thing, don't trap your dog. She will grow up hating you. Also, she won't pee in her kennel because she feels as if that's her home. If she peed in it, she'd have to sleep in it. Would you pee in your bed if you didn't have to? Exactly. Put a chain outside and when she starts to pee, put her outside on the chain. Also, about every 4 hours, put her outside. She won't get the idea to go outside unless you put her out there.
2008-12-27 4:36 pm
well just make sure every time she pees you pick her up and tell her firmly NO! and put her in the cage and point at the cage im no expert but just try it. it might work

Good luck

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