
2008-12-28 2:25 am
我想要一段簡單ge英語對話 : )

回答 (2)

2008-12-28 4:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A: Hi there.

B: Hi, how are you?

A: I am fine, thanks. Would you like to try my cookies?

B: They look very good and tasty. They even smell lovely.

A: Here you are. Have a try and take a bite.

B: Mmm, they are delicious and very creamy.

A: Thank you, they were homemade and came out the oven freshly
in the morning.

B: These are great cookies, do you like to bake at home?

A: Of course, I love to bake. I bake cakes, buns and biscuits too. Do

B: Not really, I prefer swimming as a hobby.

A: Oh yes, I heard you have a competition soon. Are you busy

B: Yes, I am never free over the weekends.

A: Well, good luck.

B: Thank you, I can't wait to try your yummy cookies after it!

A: That's a promise, see you soon.

B: OK, bye.
參考: me and my sister.
2008-12-28 2:51 am
A:Good morning , (name)
B:Good morning , (name)
A:What are you doing?
B:I am playing badminton . Do you like it ?
A:I like it very much . Can I play badminton with you now ?
B:Yes,you can .Do you have a battledore(羽毛球拍)?
A:I do not have a battledore .
B:What time is it ?
A:It is 1 o'clock in the afternoon . We can have lunch now . Let's go!
B:Where are we going ?I have no idea with lunch.
A:Do you like to eat Japanese food?
B:I don't like it .
A:I see . Do you like eat in Mcdonald?
B:Yes I do . It is a good idea !
參考: me

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