Phase is a frequently-used term around AC. The word comes from Greek fasis, "appearance," from fanein, "to appear." It originally referred to the eternally regular changing appearance of the moon through each month, and then was applied to the periodic changes of some quantity, such as the voltage in an AC circuit. Electrical phase is measured in degrees, with 360° corresponding to a complete cycle. A sinusoidal voltage is proportional to the cosine or sine of the phase
「雖然它的聲譽困難。」 「第一階段是一個經常使用的長期交流各地」 「最初提到了永遠改變經常出現的月亮每月通過」 你這是何門何派的翻譯啊??! 這種莫名其妙的中文你自己懂得看嗎? 雖然我相信你是取材自翻譯網,但你有先自己收貨後才叫人家收貨嗎? 你這種得過且過﹔明知不得過亦想要過的兒戲處事態度怎能成為出色的零售業經理呢? 但無論如何亦謝謝你的幫忙,因為我明白你並沒有義務更沒有責任回答我的問題,所以無論內容如何,也要感謝你的幫忙。