why is JAPAN so rich ?

2008-12-26 6:46 pm

回答 (15)

2008-12-27 2:53 am
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Rich? That's debatable. Just because the cost of living is high does not mean they are rich. Most of their resources are imported and their population is aging. That means the costs are going up and fewer people in the workforce to add taxes to the system to pay for it all. It is why Japan is even importing workers. They even import a large portion of their rice because it has gotten too expensive to produce enough in country. That which is grown there is subsidized by their government so the farms that still produce can survive. If they had to spend more on defense, they would be in even more trouble. Finally, their economy is hugely tied to the US economy. When Americans start to stop buying Japanese products (switch to Chinese), Japan is going to be in real trouble. Rich? I don't think so.
參考: Lived there for 4 years
2008-12-27 4:07 am
Japan is not rich enough.They deserve more.
Why the heck those lazy fat americans earn more money that Japanese do.And oily Arabs?they earn even more because they dig oil. This is miserable man.No wonder why Japanese invaded foreign places.

My extended middle fingure for those fat americans who brought about the recession.
2008-12-27 11:13 am
They had a strong economy post WW2 largely because of the billions of dollars that America pumped into the economy in order to establish an ally in Asia and to maintain military bases there (similar scenario with Germany). Do you really think it is a coincidence that 3 of the top 5 world economies are directly controlled by America (America, Japan and Germany)? Ever heard of the New World Order?

That said, those world economic leaders including Japan are now struggling. Is it all part of some greater plan or just bad economic times?
2008-12-27 6:55 am
They don't spend much money on their military.The US takes care of that.
But all is not well.Japan is no better than the US when it comes to the economy.Unemployment is on the rise.A lot of young people are becoming homeless.Crime although still low, is also going up.Mainly crimes like thefts.
Check out the web sites below.
2008-12-27 7:48 pm
Debatable. Considering they have a massive populase base on a very small chunk of land puts them all into a very competetive life style. If you were to spread the island over the size of america you would see a strange anamaly.
Theres always the top 3 percent but look at the rest.
I honor them that they have to work harder, but what is rich?
In the next 5 years their technology will make good but considering earthquakes and hurricanes, their fighting a bad battle. - not even talking about the world economy-
Did you all hear about the tribe off the coast of borneo that had to be evacuated because of rising sea levels?
In the next few years, no on is going to be rich.
2008-12-27 7:58 pm
If you talk about foreign exchange reserves, Japan is the second largest in the world next to PRC.
However, PRC's foreign exchange rate is fixed, Japan is No.1 in realistic term.
That does not mean Japan is the richest, though.
2008-12-27 6:56 pm
They export more than they import. From what I've noticed in Japan, they produce many of the things their citizens use on a daily basis, so that cut down on the amount they need to spend on importing goods from other countries. But they export a lot of finished goods, ie. cars and electronics. This allows them to create a "out more than in" economic advantage.
2008-12-27 7:41 am
Japan is rich because ecoomy is good.

WOW there was a huge massacret in the USA states again!!
USA is so dangerous!!!!
2008-12-27 3:13 am
Simply, Japan is rich because its economy is very strong, & that because the electric & electronic instruments that it imports to other countries, they could rebuild their country after the war & made it one of the richest contries in the world, Bravo.
2008-12-27 2:55 am
I think their good education make them the successful country it is today. I think their culture also play its role. But are you referring in something in particular? Like rich in different foods, economy?

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