
2008-12-27 2:52 am
以下係一種提子既名 : 「Burgundy」布根地

回答 (2)

2009-01-02 6:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
Burgundy is not a name of grapes but it is the name of a place in the Northeast part of France where is a very famous place for wines. In this place, the dominant grape for red wine is Pinot Noir and Gamay. Pinot Noir is a very elegant grape which can be used to make very high quality wines such as Romanee-Conti. But this grape is also widely grown in New Zealand and California with outstanding quality. But frankly, I don't know why, a lot of Americans always call their red wine Burgundy. Maybe they always mixup Pinot Noir and Burgundy as the Pinot Noir is too famous. Back to your question, usually people said red wine is a healthy drink because of its anti-oxidizing nature. The active ingredient is tannin which is rich in red wine. However, comparing with different grapes, the tannin in Pinot Noir is relatively less. In this case, the wine from Burgundy should be less healthy. If you look for wines with high tannin, go with wine from cabinet Sauvignon or Shiraz. Or, you can try the 威路士grape juice or green tea which is also rich in tannin.
2008-12-27 9:14 am
Burgundy 唔係提子名喎, 而係法國的地方名.

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