紐約大學經濟學教授,魯比尼指出.... 睇唔明?

2008-12-26 10:03 am

11曰8曰, 文匯報: 紐約大學經濟學教授,魯比尼指出,5年期美國國庫抗通脹債券 (TIPS),孳息率比同期國庫債券的為高,顯示投資者認為未來5年通脹將會是負數。

回答 (1)

2008-12-29 7:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
As we all knew that the price of the bond and the yield-to-maturity(孳息率)move in opposite direction, 5年期美國國庫抗通脹債券 (TIPS),孳息率比同期國庫債券的為高 means the price of 年期美國國庫抗通脹債券 (TIPS) fell with respective to the 同期國庫債券, hence the 年期美國國庫抗通脹債券 (TIPS)孳息率比同期國庫債券的為高. The price on 5年期美國國庫抗通脹債券 (TIPS)fell as investors are expecting US will fall into deflation, not inflation as US economy is deteriorating and entering into recession.

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